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Restoration of the United States of America
Twenty-one years ago, in a series of exceptional actions curiously unreported by mainstream media, an event so momentous occurred in the USA that today, as news finally trickles out, with social-media-shares of new interviews that Postmaster-General-of-the-World, Federal-Postal-Judge, Commander-in-Chief :Russell-Jay: Gould has given lately (with Winifred Adams of Making Life Brighter, Nigesti: Abraham, Whitley Deputy of Iron Sharpens Iron, Robert David Steele, myself, at Ramola D Reports), and with the current major release of his new documentary film from filmmaker Rachel-Dara: Prince, :Last-Flag-Standing, and with reposts of his excellent, disclosing War: Castles documentary broadcasts from Robert Atkins revealing what exactly he has done—along with his late business partner, :David-Wynn: Miller–people can hardly believe it is true.
This is the great secret that the US government corporation principals are keeping from you, says :Russell, because to reveal the secret would be to reveal themselves as fraudulent, invalid, and impostors on land and sea.
In Summary
With his business partner :David-Wynn: Miller, :Russell-Jay: Gould has essentially averted a takeover of the USA by the British Crown at the time of the third US bankruptcy (from 1929) anticipated to end on the 2nd of November 1999 (with a date of 12 September, 1999 marking the 45-day-lame-duck-time-frame), by intervening at the right time, close to the end, on 12 August 1999, and filing title and copyright for a statement-of-ownership Title 4 American flag written in Correct Parse-Syntax quantum-grammar at the United Nations and the US Post Office “as a corporation claiming the land of contract during time of negotiation,” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, Ramola D Reports | Report #179: Russell-Jay: Gould, Message to the People), after the United States failed to produce such a copyright succeeding their lawsuit on 25 July 1999.
In this, and other actions of joinder with the US Post Office in July 2000 (described further below) in anticipation of the narrow window of time when the US Post Office, which authorizes US Government, and the estate and office of the Presidency had to be vacated for 18 days at the time of the Presidential elections in November 2000, :Russell-Jay: Gould, as “the last flag standing,” succeeded in becoming the sovereign successor to the Queen of England, British monarch, head of the still-alive British Empire, in the rather sweeping and historic position of Postmaster-General of the World, within the prevailing Admiralty or Maritime Law—with kingly powers to authorize or disqualify governments, banks, militaries, while moving cargo, ships, vessels of every kind, whether ships, documents, or people into and out of ports and courts around the world.

Background and Context: Bankruptcies, Post Office Control of The World, Shipping Wars
STUDYING BANKRUPTCIES: Studying bankruptcies, :Russell reports in :War-Castles I, was something he was led to while tussling for many years with the US judicial system on matters of sovereignty and jurisdiction, and discovering that employees of courts including judges were protected as bankrupt by the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.
“The employees of the courtroom being the judges, the clerks, the sheriffs, the bailiffs, the court, the prosecutors, the defendants–they would all jump behind what was called the Foreign Sovereigns’ Immunity Act…it was the bankruptcy protection of sovereigns—they were no longer sovereigns when they were bankrupt…so what we had to do was uncover what made them bankrupt; how did they get to that bankrupt position to be under the gun, under the safeguard of the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, and so it took us into studying where the United States government came up through three bankruptcies stemming from when they first borrowed the money on July 1st, 1775.” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, :War-Castles, I)
Interestingly, the date July 4, 1776, which Americans believe is the day of Independence and freedom from slavery is apparently the opposite: the day the colonies fell legally into debt via the one year and one day and 3-day rescission, 3-day notice rules of banking–3 days after July 1, and one year after 1775–when Benjamin Franklin as first US Postmaster-General borrowed 1.6 million francs from the French, kicking off the first US bankruptcy. (:Russell-Jay: Gould, :War-Castles, 2)

HISTORIC WORLDWIDE CONTROL OF COUNTRIES VIA THE POST OFFICE: A further insight into bankruptcies is offered by the late :David-Wynn: Miller in his seminar on Quantum Grammar (Youtube video, Quantum Grammar, Sep 2012, 1 of 25) where he states that we are all on timetables, run on 7-year domestic bankruptcies and 70-year international bankruptcies, that it’s the Post Office which controls the world; that it’s not courts, judges, kings, or queens who have run the planet for 6700 years but postmasters; that the turned-up eagle-wings on the dollar bill &

flagstaff indicates we are all under Vatican banking, that military gold fringe on the flag indicates Maritime Law under Vatican banking; we are all “under Commerce”–under the Vatican, which comprises “postmasters, working with Berne, Switzerland, through the Universal Postal Union”; all Maritime activity is controlled by the Department of Transportation, which is controlled by the Postal Service, through the UPU, Berne, Switzerland.
GLOBAL POSTAL CONSTRUCT RUN OUT OF UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION SINCE 1874: :Russell-Jay: Gould explains that the global postal construct “was established on a global level through…the Universal Postal Union out of Berne, Switzerland on October 9th, 1874, and that was an umbrella construct that other countries and Nations’ post-offices started contracting with, and within that paradigm they set up guidelines for setting up corporate structures such as ports or what they call quays or wharves…the global situation of moving bills of lading from point A to point B ports, flag communications: the umbrella for that was established on October 9th, 1874…it mainly dealt with ships moving cargoes from point A to point B, and then at that point they started to set up legislations, passing bills…it’s an old old story of shipping here

on this planet so when you look at the hieroglyphics–because our world is controlled by hieroglyphics–when you look at that symbolism and what they were placing on contracts, either be it through legislation, through courts, through land titles, through post roads–setting up security checkpoints at borders or at territorial locations of militaries, these are things that were the constructs that the Postal Union was taking a controlling factor (in) for the post offices and acting as a centralized control mechanism for the postal stations on Planet Earth.” (Russell-Jay: Gould, Ramola D Reports | Report #177 | :Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General, Global-Quantum-Postal-Construct)
Judge Dale, in his expose of US Inc in The Great American Adventure says the Founding Fathers copied concepts of government, constitution, and postal system from the Iroquois Federation, who were already running a sophisticated form of government in the land mass of America before the British landed. (The full text of the Iroquois Constitution can be found here.)
UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION MODELED ON THE IROQUOIS FEDERATION POSTAL SYSTEM: Interestingly, the concept of the Universal Postal Union was apparently modeled on the Iroquois Federation Postal System.

SHIPPING WARS, HOSPITALS AS VESSELS IN DRY-DOCK, & DOCKING ON THE PLANET: BIRTH CERTIFICATE FRAUD: Thanks as well to bad intentions and bad actors historically speaking, this worldwide postal construct has been wrongfully used, along with such structures as the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 to deceive people into surrendering their sovereignty via birth certificate registrations, all-caps-names corporatizing-of-people, securitizing and monetizing of birth certificates, seeing people when they are born as “docking at the hospital in a vessel in dry-dock” and also later as “lost at sea,” etc., information on all of which can be found widely online (and has been covered also by many analysts at the Free Yourself series of video interviews at Ramola D Reports, and The Truth About US Govt-USA 101 posts here.).
“You have the centralized postal construct…writing policy for a new world order in their world because it’s always been under that new world order guise of shipping and then you had your Department of Health which got its authorization from that country’s post office vital statistics, docking at the hospital as a foreign vessel in drydock, and the port of mechanics that come with that and a lot of trigger mechanisms that are in place that are what we call administrative mechanics.” (Russell-Jay: Gould, Ramola D Reports | Report #177 | :Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General, Global-Quantum-Postal-Construct).

other, a system enforced in the courts, and using for its media a handful of constructs to establish legitimacy and correspondence worldwide: the periodic table of elements, the strategic metals contract, the styles manual and the dictionary. Overseeing this system is the Post-Master-General-of-the-World, who has been, for centuries, the British Monarch, while the overseeing of shipping lanes and timelines is apparently done by the Vatican.
THE GLOBAL-POSTAL-UNION TRUST: The solution (out of this worldwide shipping-war Birth-Certificate-Fraud) that :David-Wynn: Miller and :Russell-Jay: Gould have created, not just for Americans, but anyone in the world, :Russell reports, involved their creation of a trust, making joinder with the US Post Office, and other complexities, a much larger subject to be covered more fully later (but also see end of this article, for transcript of :Russell-Jay: Gould’s clarifying information on this subject recorded at the Di-Rector’s Party Seminar, 2016). “So what I created or I found was … to implement a trust or a contract within their paradigm within that construct of the Postal Union, and so I established that on, I believe, it was, let me see if I could say this right, on July 13, 2000, I created the Postal-Inspector where the United States Post Office joined with me as Postmaster-General through Bill of Lading RR 294568221 US–and they joined with me and they put a label on my document—labels are tickets, tickets are stamps–and so you have that, you know they joined with my condition of state of thinking.” (Russell-Jay: Gould, Ramola D Reports | Report #177 | :Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General, Global-Quantum-Postal-Construct).
END OF THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE SYSTEM IN AMERICA WITH THE END OF THE BANKRUPTCY IN 1999: :Russell-Jay: Gould has stated in various interviews that the end of the bankruptcy in 1999 heralds the end of the system of usury whereby people are used as collateral via birth certificates which are monetized and securitized and traded on the stock market, making money for the shadowy Federal Reserve bankers who have defrauded the nation since the time of inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and who, along with the UN, IMF, World Bank, and international bankers were given carte blanche to do so since 1933 with the creation of the third US bankruptcy, but it appears that this fraudulent and flagrantly-deceiving birth certificate system is actually continuing. The way out is to claim oneself as alive, with a live-life-claim—briefly covered in this article, “New Global Quantum Banking…”. discussed in recent interviews with :Russell-Jay: Gould at Ramola D Reports, and to be further reported in greater detail shortly.
All fraud and crime apparently has precedent. Judge Dale in The Great American Adventure speaks of this US corporate creation of public trusts using birth registrations and other registrations, and the creation of corporate fictions/strawmen as having antecedent in ancient Roman trusts, in how all Roman citizens were expediently named dead by the Roman Senate unless they declared themselves alive after most of Rome was burned down in a staged false-flag event during Nero’s reign in July, 64 AD.

Pentagon Clearance of Title 4 Flag Copyright & Lease of Title 4 Quantum-Grammar Flag
David-Wynn: Miller has stated that change was heralded in August 1999, after suing the Post Office in July 1999 for the U.S. flag, when he and :Russell-Jay: Gould filed a new correct-parse-syntax quantum-grammar description of the flag and won the patent.
:Russell-Jay: Gould reports that his first step prior to filing the flag with the United Nations and the US Post Office was to approach the Pentagon, to ask if the Title 4 flag had a copyright, and on learning that it hadn’t, to write a copyright and title in quantum-grammar himself (discussed earlier), after which he offered the flag on a lease to the Navy, and essentially made a contract with them.

How did :Russell-Jay: Gould even think of visiting the Pentagon? “I went there as a citizen caring about the country, caring about the citizens and did something outside of the normal … there was a wrong that was about to happen–Number One, the flag was about to lose authorization for the citizens to use because the bankruptcy was ending from 1929, so the 70 yr moratorium is 70 years on that, which was the crash on the stock market, the 3-day notice on that…in my journeys of study I learned about global bankruptcies and how countries function and timelines of bankruptcies– seeing this, I got in front of it and I did something about it, I saw the accident before it was gonna happen and as it was happening I went down and I did something about it, I walked in the door–took a lot of courage because no-one wanted to, no-one could see what was going on.” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, Interview with Rex Bear, The Leak Project, 9/11/2019)
“So the Pentagon, the Secretary of the Navy’s office, they’re like, ‘Well, no one’s done this,’ and they’re looking at the records and like, ‘Yeah this is correct, Holy Cow,’ and then I was like ‘Well, I’d like to issue you a lease to use the flag and give you directions that no one is to attack our soil.’” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, Interview with Rex Bear, The Leak Project, 9/11/2019)
The peace treaty with the US Navy for use of the flag and global-banking-constitution was made in 2003.

“On Feb 20, 2003, David & I had a peace treaty authorized by the Secretary of Navy’s office for the Title 4 1:1.9 dimension flag as well as the global banking constitution which I’d rewritten the structure of, the banking systems of Planet Earth and the crypto-currencies and things which I own copyrights to, and the Secretary of the Navy’s Office autographed the contracts and he endorsed them.” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, Last-Flag-Standing, Documentary Film by Rachel-Dara: Prince)
That peace treaty was later breached by the Pentagon on Dec 12, 2004, :Russell reports, which prompted the set-off of a condition of martial law and court-martialing of Bush and Cheney, a story told in the documentary :Last-Flag-Standing as well as in recent interviews.
What This Means Regarding the United States Government
The crowning achievement of claiming the land with the Title 4 flag, copyrighted and patented in quantum-grammar, on 12 August 1999, by :David-Wynn: Miller and :Russell-Jay: Gould—with their filings of the flag at the UN and US Post Office–which liberated the US from the British Crown, essentially abolished the US Presidency.

“There are no presidents in the United States, the president, the United States ceased to exist in 1999–this is all factual.” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, Ramola D Reports | Report #177 |Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General, Global-Quantum-Postal-Construct)
Simply put, the third international bankruptcy in which the United States government had been held since 1929, in unpaid debt to the foreign corporations of the IMF and World Bank, came to an end after the 70-year moratorium period on international bankruptcies closed on the 2nd of November 1999, and along with it, apparently by international banking law, ended the US Constitution, which offered the Guidelines for the bankruptcy, and for the Office of the President of the US, who had for 70 years served as Trustee of the bankruptcy: “Trustee of the Bankruptcy Note was what they called the President” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, Ramola D Reports | Report #179: Russell-Jay: Gould, Message to the People)
Since Bill Clinton, each of the “elected” Presidents we have known, George H. W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald J. Trump, have apparently been operating in the void of need or authorization: after the bankruptcy ended, there was literally no Office of the Trustee, no Office of US President of the Bankruptcy. :Russell-Jay: Gould says Bill Clinton mentioned this in his book, My Life, saying he was the last American President. “For that one year, under the 1999 to 2000 presidency, Mr. Clinton at the time in his book you know he says, I’m the last US president—well, this is what he’s talking about in it, he’s saying he’s not telling the people the truth of what had actually happened.” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, War-Castles, I)
FLORIDA CHADS: US GOVT VACATES THE GUIDELINES, MOVES AUTHORIZATION TO THE US SUPREME COURT: Yet, after the United States came to an end in 1999, the public charade of the Presidency continued into election-year 2000, despite there being no guidelines, no Constitution to appoint a new Director or President (of the bankruptcy): the bankruptcy had ended. Ninety days before the election, :Russell states that he had filed in Washington, DC as Postmaster-General, creating joinder with the US Post Office (the July 13, 2000 filing mentioned earlier), and expected that the US government corporation would soon vacate the estate of the Presidency or the bankruptcy guidelines. (Ramola D Reports: Report # 177, Report # 179)
Holding up a mail slip receipt from the Postmaster General at L’Enfant Plaza in Washington, DC, recently, in Report # 179, he noted: “What we found, is, we found the ledgers on the Bankruptcy Notes and we knew the United States would have to leave, physically create a scenario to leave the estate. We didn’t know how they were going to do it, but it wasn’t our job to do that, it was their job to leave…they (the Presidency) had to physically leave this location and create a controversy… Ninety days before the election I filed in as Postmaster-General with the bills of the lading here with the United States Post Office but I hand wrote it under here and you can see my ink under here and they put a label on this mail slip–and labels are classified as tickets, and tickets are classified as stamps, and when I put my autograph across it I became the Postmaster-General of the United States Postal Service. So I had to physically wait at that point for I didn’t know how they were going to leave DC but I knew they’d have to leave.”

As to why, he notes in his interview with The Leak Project that the controversy they created, the Florida Chads, for a decision on which they moved venue to the US Supreme Court, was because there were “no longer any guidelines to authorize a position which did not exist anymore,” while Title 39 of US Code requires that “a president is to be the head of the post office at all times and they had to violate that, to break what’s called the rules of the continuance of the evidence.”
Proving to his grandmother that no President was likely to be announced prior to that transfer (to the US Supreme Court for a decision) on Nov 7, 2000, he reports what he told her: “But if they announce that there’s no president on this specific night, then I’m this person on the post, I’m the only guy under contract in the District of the Columbia, the only guy with the contract–because the system was ending.” Which turned out to be the case, as we know (no President was announced that night), making :Russell-Jay: Gould the unacknowledged and unelected holder of the post—as head of the Post-Office: “I was the only guy with the contract in play at that time during that timeframe.” (:War-Castles, 1)
The Florida Chads pulled off, it appears, the most extraordinary scam on the American people, “and ever since then, it’s just been a fraud upon a fraud upon a fraud of a President, and that’s why they’ve been getting away with everything, they’ve been getting away with these Deep State operatives to con and steal and plunder and destroy the structure of our country and the morality of our peoples.” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, :War-Castles: 8)
DEEP STATE/BRITISH CROWN ATTEMPT TO FORCE SURRENDER OF THE TITLE IV FLAG: One of the most startling aspects of :Russell’s story is the entire period of wrongful arrest, incarceration, physical torture and brutalizing he was subjected to, shortly after his rescue of America with the Title 4 Flag filing, when US Marshalls kidnapped and incarcerated him at Dane County, Wisconsin and tried to force him into “usury” or submitting to their jurisdiction (a private corporation’s)—which apparently includes taking food or clothing from them. The extraordinary account of his refusal to eat or wear prisonwear for 70 days, while also being subjected to classic torture protocols of heat and cold extremes, beatings, and various other barbarisms which most people cannot imagine still persists in America is described by :Russell in :War-Castles 1. The intervention finally of a judge “with honor” who wept in front of :Russell and helped arrange a venue for him where he could literally “ship his own food in” set him on the road to eventual release from this wrongful imprisonment, his honor intact, his position intact, his Title 4 flag still in his possession, still symbol of his retained sovereignty over the land of America.
AMERICAN HISTORY HAS BEEN FICTIONALIZED: It is vital to note that much of what we have been told in our history textbooks about American independence, the virtue of the Founding Fathers, and liberation from the British Empire is simply not true, but an elaborate fiction set in place by the European/Rothschild banking faction who practiced early the power of taking over media and textbook-publishing in their quest to camouflage and obscure their own presence as power brokers over the US government. These and other salient facts about the true history of the USA can be found in The Great American Adventure by Judge Dale.
That the US Federal Government had been dissolved seven decades earlier and replaced by US Inc, a bankrupt corporation was revealed in Congress in 1993 by Representative James Traficant (Ohio).

Hard to believe no doubt for some but apparently US Inc., the US government corporation—was in actuality never a free Republic but owned from the time of the first bankruptcy in July 1, 1775 by various foreign elites and bankers and presided over by the British King/Monarchy, with the US Post Office apparently being a British outpost overseeing all US shipping and commerce for the King/Queen from its station in Washington, DC, after which time it could once more, putatively, be recaptured by the British Crown which had been maintaining this unsuspected stranglehold on America for centuries.
Had this recapture occurred, as Sgt. Horton details in his War-Castles Military Insider video, and as :Russell-Jay: Gould has stated in various interviews, it would have entailed the British Crown paying off the interest on the US debt to the IMF and recapturing the US Post Office, under Plausible Deniability of “there was no-one to stop us,” and no-one to know any better.
This possible recapture in fraudulence was averted by the filing on 12 August 1999 by :Russell-Jay: Gould and :David-Wynn: Miller of the Title 4 quantum-grammar flag at the United Nations (within New York State) and later at the United States Post Office in Washington, DC, and the consequent acquisition of the Postmaster-General-of-the-World title, an action he undertook, he reports, as a responsible citizen, duty-bound by US Code to safeguard the nation: “I was actually under Title 42 (1986), knowledge and negligence. As a citizen, I saw the end of the bankruptcy and I became knowledgeable of that, and it was my duty to stop and correct a wrong that I was seeing, and the wrong that I was seeing was: where was the citizens’ closure that the bankruptcy was ending, and if so, where was the citizens’ stepping-forward to safeguard the country from an outside force that could possibly attack us?” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, Interview with Rex Bear, The Leak Project, 9/11/2019)
Copyright of Flag Written in Quantum-Grammar
The “correctness” of this filing of the flag was ensured by writing the copyright and patent in quantum-grammar, seeds for which were sown much earlier, reportedly in April 1988, by “eccentric genius,” multiply-degreed engineer :David-Wynn: Miller who himself had long-studied and come to understand the underlying mathematical structure in the English language, and all languages generally, as he sought a means to gain mastery over the language used in court through various court battles of his own—where he was fighting for joint custody of his children after a divorce–where it seemed judges were constantly issuing arbitrary judgments against him, as against others, which no-one usually challenged.
The Route to Quantum-Grammar
:Russell-Jay: Gould relates (in his September 2019 interview with Rex Bear of The Leak Project, and in recorded seminars for his and :David-Wynn: Miller’s Di-rector’s campaign, a Presidential run in 2016) that, before 1999, he and :David-Wynn: Miller had spent over five years poring through old and new dictionaries and learning about the true meanings of words, looking closely especially at the trains of prefixes and suffixes which undercut and devalue the root meaning of words. In the War-Castles documentary interviews, he notes that a childhood background and interest in parsing sentences in grammar classes and a fascination with the English language indulged during summer school with an inspiring language teacher, Naomi Cromwell, also helped prepare him for this task.
Mind-blowing to contemplate, essentially, what :Russell and :David have done is they have cracked the hidden, unwritten, mathematical code in language—which many judges knew about, as they learned —and published this concealed code to the world, laid out in a precise, mathematically-based, linguistically-correct language form titled Quantum-Grammar or Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar. This language-form becomes then a vehicle for contracts, a transparent means to ensure clarity and true accountability in any kind of agreement between people or groups of any kind, meaningful within sentences written both forwards or backwards, operative always in a Present-Time context-of-contract, held in the “Now-Time, Now-Space” of the contract.
Grammar—that’s syntax and punctuation, now scaffolded in Math, along with purity-of-meaning, returned-to via etymology, divested of the cloaked historic deceptions of value-removing prefixes and suffixes, faulty placement of consonants and vowels, and other value-removing language mechanics, offers the key to clarity and purity in communication– a return to Camelot, the garden of Eden, harmony of “the law of equals—Rule One and Rule Same”–and becomes the path to our common future.
What is astonishing to assimilate really is that the language we have used so far, the language I write this in, that you read this in, is essentially being held up to the light by Quantum-grammar and found to be fiction, removed from intent by its use of long-devaluing language mechanics long-permitted to exist by kings, queens, popes, priests, governments, and secret societies, all who have historically harvested and enslaved humanity and been content to keep Truth and Fact in Language from us for centuries.
Consider this therefore: Quantum Grammar or Correct Parse Syntax replaces the fraudulent use of a long-bastardized English which has long been knowingly (known to many at the top of central banks, governments, militaries, judicial systems) stripped of foundational linguistic value, rendering therefore all contracts, laws, citations, public statements null and void by the “fraudulent and fictitious conveyance of grammar.”
:David-Wynn: Miller has also stated that this situation pertains to all 5000 languages on planet Earth, and has persisted for 8500 years, since the time of the Pharaohs. Now every language can be parsed meaningfully into Quantum-grammar, which now appears to be the one future language that is going to be used to level the playing field and create 2-way accountability for contracts and treaties and agreements worldwide.
DISQUALIFYING CHARTERS: Armed with this groundbreaking math interface and the truth of historic language fraud (where for instance, all prefixes to words such as “in” “de” “re” “a” actually mean No, yet have long been common usage in our everyday usage of English and in all contracts, on paper, thereby inherently devaluing or invalidating those contracts), :Russell-Jay: Gould and :David-Wynn: Miller have now “syntaxed” and disqualified the (faulty- grammatical) charters or contracts of multiple international organizations, such as the Universal Postal Union, The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the World Health Organization, the Internal Revenue Service, the International Maritime Organization, the International Chamber of Commerce, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, others.
REINSTATING CHARTERS: Likewise, using the quantum-grammar or Correct–Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar construct, which offers a clear means of authenticity and accountability through the use of Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar, :Russell-Jay: Gould and :David-Wynn: Miller traveled around the world, reauthorizing numerous organizations and constructs such as banks and governments, while syntaxing and disqualifying others, putting in place new, reauthorized organizations and constructs. Significant in their efforts were encounters at the Universal Postal Union, Berne, and the Vatican. :Russell and :David report a 4-day presentation of their de-crypting or syntaxing of a Masonic Manly P. Hall text describing the secrets of the world at the Vatican, while also setting up quantum-grammar contracts with the Vatican for banking. (Youtube video::SEMINAR: DI-RECTOR´S-PARTY,-~SACRAMENTO,-~CA).
MAKING TREATY WITH NATIONS AND TRIBES: Visiting the United Nations about 84 times, :Russell-Jay: Gould reports that, as Postmaster-General-of-the-world he has made treaties with 82 nations, reinstating their charters to exist as countries. In their Di-rector’s Party seminar, :David-Wynn: Miller has stated: “Russell and I started advertising by writing–we wrote a 115-page International Banking Treaty in 1999, establishing our Constitution, our Banking Treaty—our communications mathematics through the United Nations, with 82 countries to get them to treaty with us, we sent these documents to ambassadors, traveled around the world, around Asia—we are accepted, people make treaties with us, this is a very positive program.” In his recent “Message to the People” video (Report # 179), :Russell discusses his deep interest today in helping the tribes and native peoples of the world recover control over their lands, and sovereignty as people, help them unlock their own power to halt vaccine mandates, for instance, long-removed from them by colonization and empire, all by “fictitious conveyance of grammar,” by way of his many powers as Post-Master-General-of-the-World in charge of alloidal land titles, and by usage of the correctness of quantum-grammar.
ESTABLISHING FURTHER CONSTRUCTS AND CONVENIENCES WITHIN THE NEW QUANTUM-BANKING CONSTRUCT: Further, :Russell-Jay: Gould reports in various interviews that his global-postal-union comes replete with its own new elemental or periodic table of elements—a new configuration where elements are arranged in triangular form building in sum a tetrahedron which unwinds into an infinity loop, his own strategic metals contract with the Department of Defense, a new Global-Weights-and-Measures-Bureau to replace the disqualified International Bureau of Weights and Measures, his own money–“because all the money on Planet Earth was written in fiction until I came out with my own money, I’m the first guy and only guy with the knowledge on how to change out currencies,” which he reports he is working on, “currently changing out the economy” (Nigesti: Abraham interview)–his own banking system backed by commodities such as precious metals such as gold and silver, which he reports he is in the process of alchemically manufacturing from a petroleum distillate without mining the earth; in other words, he has built all the accoutrements of an economic system which can sustain itself.
PROVING MORTGAGES ARE 100% GRAMMATICAL FRAUD LED TO THE MORTGAGE BANKING CRASH OF 2008: In 2007, :Russell-Jay: Gould and :David-Wynn: Miller proved, by “syntaxing” mortgage contracts, that all mortgages are 100% grammatical fraud – a venture which in actuality is what led to the crash of 2008, apparently, not “sub-prime lending” as we’ve been told, because all the big mortgage bankers scrambled at this point to get rid of large bundles of mortgages which Wall Street financiers cashed in on right afterward with fire sales—as described in greater detail by Sergeant Le Roy Horton in the video War-Castles, Military-Insider, transcript here.
DISQUALIFYING FEDERAL ELECTIONS: The once-in-four-years Presidential elections and candidacy for same have been disqualified on the basis of “fictitious conveyance of grammar,” :Russell states. In the :War-Castles documentary (8) recorded in 2018, he states: “In 2012, I syntaxed the guidelines of the Federal Elections Commission’s authorization to accept contracts for candidacy for the President of the United States because that position ended in 2000 with the presidential election–it’s been going on for 17 years, 18 years now, this ruse, that there’s a president. The Federal Elections Commission–in order to become a President of the United States, all statements of candidacy are in a box and anything in a box is not on the field. I alerted all in 2012, I alerted all elections commissions for all 50 states through the Secretary of State’s office of the fraud that was happening for the electoral college votes. I syntaxed the laws, the rules and regulations for the guidelines for an electoral college vote which is an adjective–adjective-pronoun-No-Fact. In 2016, I syntaxed and corrected the statement of candidacy, statement being a pronoun of being and a verb, candidacy being a verb–there’s no such thing as a verb candidate, and yet all these people place themselves in position to become a President of fictitious grammar–there’s no such thing. Plus the Guidelines for the elections was null and void as of September 12 2004, no 1999, I apologize, because the Constitution was the Guidelines for the bankruptcy and the bankruptcy ended 18 years ago now.” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, :War-Castles, 2018)
FINANCIAL STABILITY FOR THE WORLD, INFORMING TRUMP’S WHITE HOUSE: Crucial information from :Russell-Jay: Gould on the subject of straightening out world finances was offered on Report #179, where he refers to the banking/judicial system elite’s awareness of his track record: “Don’t think the US Judicial System, the World Court, The Hague, International Bankers–don’t think those judges don’t know who that person is (who has the right credentialing and authorization), you can count on it: you’re talking to him–all of them know and I know that they know, so I’m not angry, I’m just waiting for the citizens to figure it out, how to join with the constructs–I’m waiting for countries to step forward and bring me into location to set up the financial stability for the peoples of the world.”
While :Russell-Jay: Gould indicated in Reports #170 and #173 at Ramola D Reports that his offers to the White House had not been taken up, he reports in Report #177 his re-ignited interest in acting to ensure financial stability and in more recent interviews with Winifred Adams of Making Life Brighter (We the People) and Whitley Deputy of Iron Sharpens Iron (Episode 6) his interest in sharing his methodology, possibly meeting with President Trump, and making good his promises with people in Washington, DC on upcoming trips.
This he has earlier mentioned in :War-Castles 10: “I captured 17 million tons of gold on contract that I would like to use to aid the government, the federal postal government and the citizens of this country– but it’s not a one-way ticket here; you have to get a hold of me, you have to reach out with your people to contact me so I can help you.”
In Report #179: “The people, they all have no reason to fear. Like I said, sacrifices have been made, tremendous sacrifices, both mentally and spiritually to get me through this journey, and so as fate may have it or my destiny would have it, things are given to me as I need them to help mankind in the best way that I can to care. To get full closure, let’s give people a glimpse into my world periodically because the world you know is not really ready for me–what I mean by that is I just got done writing the White House and put them on a three-five-and-ten tendering goal to backstop the American citizens forever, they decided not to take that, so if they crash the economy and they try to set up a quantum system and I’m not sitting there, I know that this is fake news—see, it goes both ways.” (Also see Newsbreak 87 8/21/2020 |Winifred Adams Reveals Kamala Harris Well-Versed in Quantum-Grammar + More for candid conversation from Winifred Adams on this subject.)
CHIEF JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, COURTS AND UNITED NATIONS AS THEATERS OF WAR AGAINST CITIZENRY WITH SPEAR ON TOP OF FLAGS: :Russell-Jay: Gould has spoken of his becoming Chief Judge of the Supreme Court in several interviews, including in Report 179 where he mentions the significance of the spear on the flagpoles carrying country flags, planted both inside courts inclusive of the Supreme Court and inside the United Nations, where the spear essentially signifies that that particular corporation or “foreign vessel in dry-dock” with its 12-mile jurisdiction around it displaying such a flag is announcing it is at war with the citizenry who enter, that it is a martial law theater of war. When he entered the Supreme Court recently, this year, he reports being recognized as a historic figure: “My case had been moved to the National Archives as a historical document because of my actual walking historical figure (status), because I’m the only guy in the history of Planet Earth to take out our country’s acting and sitting president, the judicial system as well as US Supreme Court and become chief judge of a country, so they take it very serious, otherwise my documents would not be in the National Archives–it is what it is.”

Another historic aspect of :Russell-Jay: Gould’s journey is his historic connection with Benjamin Franklin, the first US Postmaster-General, who was instrumental in the plunging of America into its first bankruptcy on July 4, 1776 (one year and one day, and 3-day rescission from July 1, 1775, when Franklin borrowed money for the US colonies from the French), succeeding which wars of plunder and pillage marked the colonists’ takeover of the lands of the sovereign native Americans, among other depredations. Now attendant at the end of the third international bankruptcy, becoming the Post-Master-General-of-the-World sovereign successor to Great Britain’s monarch, :Russell-Jay: Gould returned to the (closed) old Benjamin Franklin Post Office (open only as a museum) and re-opened it as a Postal Court, as he states in War Castles 8, when he retroactively went back to the July 1, 1775 bankruptcy and opened “a new postal court, a new postal constitution, a new postal land survey which I had corresponded with my global bureau of the weights and measures that came in joinder with that contract,” re-authorized in a quantum-grammar construct:
“On December 21st 2012, :David-Wynn: Miller and myself, :Russell-Jay: Gould opened up the Benjamin Franklin postal court for the authorization of ships’ channels through this land, and it’s been up and running. I’m under one year one day timeline on December 22nd, actually 25th three-day rescission, to 2013. So that was a valid court for function here on this land…
“The Benjamin Franklin Postal Court is the venue that the Constitution sits in, it’s the venue that the flag sits in, it’s the venue that the Court sits in, it’s the venue that the survey for land for load recovery sits in, and it’s a venue that the citizens can come to for the right of the grievance. That’s the Federal Postal Court that David-Wynn: Miller is speaking about, and that’s the actual federal postal court of what used to be the United States, and it’s the nativity location of the post office for the land survey in the geographic North America and continent because Benjamin Franklin was a Postmaster-General also of Canada simultaneously creating joinder for the North American continent.
And I have opened it and authorized it with my authorizations, with my continuance of the evidence, with my flag, with my sweat equity to never surrender the flag so that citizens and corporate employees can have safety within a now-time now-space scenario and that’s their flag, that’s their Constitution, that’s their postal system, that’s their shipping lane for their ships’ channels to come and joinder with, not Washington, DC.”

THE GREATEST SECRET THE DEEP STATE KEEPS FROM THE AMERICAN CITIZENRY: In :War-Castles: 8, :Russell-Jay: Gould states: “Thus Washington DC is closed and Philadelphia is open, and this is the secret that they hide from you, and it’s the secret the Deep State’s been keeping away from all the citizens and all the government employees that are there now– because they don’t want you to know this story, they don’t want you to know correctness, because when I get in there, the negativity and the lack of equality for our fellow mankind in our country will be fixed: chemtrails are gone, GMOs are gone, mortgages are gone—we’re going to change the moral structure so the morale is happy, it’s joyous, we get along, we don’t fight. Don’t ever let anyone tell you who to hate. Treat people with fairness, and righteousness—and it will reciprocate and mirror back to you. The Universe will do that automatically.”
The immensity of accomplishment both :Russell-Jay: Gould’s and :David-Wynn: Miller’s labor over 25-30 years represents (covered quite extensively in the :War:Castles documentary by Robert Atkins, and in multiple interviews with Winifred Adams and Gwen Caldwell) is not being done justice in this overview, which seeks primarily to give readers a basic insight into who they are, what they have essentially sought to do, and how their actions in constructing the language of quantum-grammar and filing the Title IV flag have given America, the entire world, and all of us wrongfully named “lost at sea” on this planet by Popes and Kings of yesteryear a new lease on life and possibility, a breaking-away from the historic, Masonic, Pharaonic, Babylonian, Phoenician, Vatican and Crown constructs which have imprisoned us all in fraud, debt, usury, and ignorance for centuries, and offered us true steps toward freedom, humanity, sovereignty for all. How exactly this latter can be accomplished has been partially addressed by :Russell-Jay: Gould in several interviews and will be the subject of future coverage, please stay tuned.
SOVEREIGN KING, LAND-TITLE-HOLDER: In the act of retrieving the US from the clutches of the British Crown as the third international bankruptcy was drawing to a close and the US Post Office lay vacant in Washington, DC, :Russell-Jay: Gould has essentially inherited the position of the sovereign king in charge of America. Acknowledging this historic position and the context it rises out of, he states in :War-Castles: “I am the sovereign of this land taking the position of Great Britain when the United States ceased to exist in 1999, I’m the only person with the bill of the lading on that–everyone else is ex post facto, after the fact. I have the flag, I have the Fee for Freight, I have the Post Office and I have the Constitution. I have the claim of the life and I’m registered with the United Nations and with the IMF, the World Bank, and all the functions around the world to be Who I am and I am Who I am–for I am!”
(Transcript, excerpted)
“Wherever you are in the world, you can take our syntax, you can take our program, register it with your foreign ministers of your respective countries, as an amicus curiae, friend of the court, because the contract itself will be articulated as a post vessel, and you will become postmasters boarding the vessels with your claim of the life. The flag itself is the manifest which gives closure on the vessel. When we place the postage stamp for the vessel on the document it clears the fee for freight for the docking of that vessel contract—because the fee for freight’s in play for the bills of the ladings, as you log that in with the foreign ministers as an amicus curiae postmaster with the Unity-States-of-our-world corporation, you then have the authorization to do a grammar challenge for your countries.
“Because all countries themselves are contract—the land itself is all owned by the post office under To Have and To Hold—future tense adverb verb. David and I myself as joint postmasters syntaxed the alloidal land titles for global property rights and we filed it in their clearing house called the Universal Postal Union. David and myself have met with the UPU postmasters in Berne on the clearing mechanics of those foreign vessels. We were foreign, they were foreign. They stood in their jurisdiction, we stood in our jurisdiction. Their jurisdiction doesn’t exist! Because of their syntax and their grammar—future tense and past tense.
“We maintained command and control in a now-time scenario—to give us carte blanche to go anywhere in the world to give closure to their respective postal systems and their respective governments because each citizen of this planet is running around as an Illuminati member for their vessels—because you all work for the Post Office as postal ployees from cradle to grave. In each respective country you have birth certificates; that Birth Certificate is an adjective pronoun—anytime you have 2 facts together and you don’t articulate and give closure on the document and use a hyphen between the facts, the first fact becomes a fact of coloring; coloring is an adjective, which is a modification; so when you modify something it is only a position as a syntax-location of a presumption and assumption, and it has no closure—first rule of contract is closure– so you can have knowledge, so people can comprehend to whether or not the document in question is valid or not. Because the citizens of our world have birth certificates, those birth certificates worldwide are now adjective-pronouns which get docked by the doctors-postmasters of that particular hospital, port of entry.
“Port being a pronoun, of being the adverb modifying the word backwards, each time you use a word starting with a vowel followed by a double consonant, you’ve got a NO-Fact so you’ve got a E N T which is a No and a Try which makes it a NO TRY. A fiction of an illusion. When you log in the claims of the life with your respective foreign countries and respective foreign ministers as a claim of the life citizen postmaster with the Unity-States-of-our-World-Corporation, it gives you grammar foundation as a FACT. And only facts are with the capability for the statement of a claim. So it gives you joint tenancy in a construct that has been well played and well placed by David and myself. We have taken this to levels where we have logged this in through the styles manuals of the global-bureau-of the weights and measures. Now if you witness here today, I said global-bureau not IBPM—this is the styles manual that each foreign country, each foreign contract articulates the sums and differences of the communication that it chooses to use, from country to country, nation to nation—this is registered in Lennox, the Global-Bureau which gave us control to articulate and give command for a now-time scenario for alloidal title for the planet in a now-time condition – which you all become tenants, and joinder position postmasters of—through your claims of the life and through your comprehension and knowledge of this course. The Director party campaign gives closure be it through Youtube or being here—gives closure to your capability to how to join and have joinder to the Directors’ campaign.
“Each and every one of your minds is solitary—your ability to control what comes in and out of your mind is solitarily upon you. So what we are going to teach is how to control the grammar that you allow to come in and out of your life. What that takes, what that means from a frequency level is – how the manipulation of the adverb-verb world for 8500 years has been placed to make sure that you do not know what that is. David and my’s job is to make sure that we give closure to the questions you may have regarding the director party’s campaign and what it means for the planet.” (:Russell-Jay: Gould, [Di]rector’s Campaign Seminar)
:Last-Flag-Standing, Documentary Film , Released August 21, 2020

Ramola D Reports | Report #170: Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General on Quantum-Grammar, Quantum-Banking, CV-19 (Improved Audio/Part I) | April 14, 2020
Ramola D Reports | Report #173: Part II, Interview with :Russell-Jay: Gould | Freeing Oneself With Quantum-Banking | Apr 25, 2020
Ramola D Reports| Report #177 | :Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General, Global-Quantum-Postal-Construct | May 2, 2020
Ramola D Reports | Report #179 | :Russell-Jay: Gould, Postmaster-General-of-the-World, Part 4 | Message to the People | May 10, 2020
:Rachel-Dara: Prince, Filmmaker, Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould For a Documentary Film
:Last-Flag-Standing, Documentary Film | Released August 21, 2020
Robert David Steele, Public Intelligence Blog, Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould
Russell Jay Gould On 9/11 Truth, Gold Standard and Monoatomic Elements (ORMUS) | July 17, 2020
Russell Jay Gould On Interpol, The Hague, Benjamin Franklin and Global Economic Reset |July 1, 2020
Whitley Deputy, Iron Sharpens Iron/Youtube Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould
Episode 5–Interview 1 with :Russell-Jay: Gould | June 5, 2020
Episode 6–Interview 2 with :Russell-Jay: Gould | June 11, 2020
:Nigesti: Abraham Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould,
: Russell-Jay : Gould is with the sharing of the [im]portant-formation with the Nigesti: Aubraham., May 1, 2020
The Winifred Adams Show: A Series With Commander-in-Chief :Russell-Jay: Gould
Winifred Adams, Making Life Brighter/Youtube Interviews
Special Episode, Comptroller of the Global-Currency and Postmaster-General, :Russell-Jay:Gould, May 27, 2020
We the People, with :Russell-Jay: Gould, May 19, 2020
Commander Gould Coming Forward to Lead Now, May 19, 2020
Radio Episodes, Archives, Winifred Adams series with :Russell-Jay: Gould at Voice America
Gwen Caldwell Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould,
Gwen Caldwell’s Interview with :Russell-Jay: Gould, May 21, 2013
:Mark-Kishon: Christopher Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould
:Mark-kishon: Christopher Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould, May 16, 2019 at :Quantum-Grammar-Channel:
:War-Castles Documentaries/Robert Atkins Interviews
Rex Bear, The Leak Project Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould
Rex Bear, The Leak Project, Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould along with Sgt Robert Horton and Winifred Adams
Transcript of War Castles Military Insider Robert Horton video The greatest secret in the history of the USA | (tells the whole story of what :Russell-Jay: Gould has done)
:War-Castles Channel on Youtube
For the Red-Thumb-Club. (Maintains links to new videos)
:Quantum-Grammar-Channel on Youtube
:Jason-Matthew: Glass Channel on Youtube (Teaches :quantum-grammar)
:Quantum-grammar: forum ( (Study :quantum-grammar, connect with others)
:Russell-Jay: Gould’s Websites
Quantum-Community (Study :quantum-grammar, connect with others, obtain live-life-claims)