Sunday, March 11, 2012

To Fear Or Not To Fear

                                                By Imani M.

This issue has being running through my mind for the past week, but it was even more so while reading what has been going on in the world and then watching this movie called, Left Behind: War of Worlds. Not a religious person but it does relate to somethings that are happening right now.

In the beginning Louis Gosset Jr., who plays the President of the U.S., explains what is happening. On of the things he mentions is the vanishing of millions of people off the Earth.  Right now in the year 2012, we are to move into higher states of consciousness. For those who do move on will be as if they disappeared from the Earth.  There is another movie that deals with this subject that escapes me at the moment, but it speaks about the vanishing of millions of people off the Earth.

I'm not a big watcher of doomsday movies, but if you look at them with fear then this is how you will except them into your life, and your life is now dominated by things that keep you in fear because now this is the frequency you are now choosing to resonate on.  But when you look at things on a spiritual level and understand that you can choose how you except information you can resonate your frequency out of fear, and except things as information to keep you up to date on what is going on around you.

The motive of things going on around you are to keep you distracted from the big picture of what is really going on around you. Television, sitcoms, news, which is filtered information. Music industry with who is or is not the Illuminati or working with the Illuminati, Kony, SOPA, NDAA, Monsanto, its enough to leave you feeling helpless and scared. All ways remember behind one small distraction lies the bigger distraction, and the people in the U.S. have been distracted. How else can laws be passed all of a sudden? Because while we were distracted by the little distraction the bigger action was being pulled into place. Think about everything that has happened between 2001 up until now, and the many new laws that have been pulled into place.

I placed the link to the Left Behind clip because it spoke a lot to me. So, now we're in the middle of the race and you have to decide, "To Fear or Not To Fear."  There will be more information put out that will help keep you in your low vibration of fear.  You want to try and raise your vibration then one of things is to stop watching the news. That stuff will make a 2 year old cry. Stop watching it before you go to sleep because that's not helping you either.  Want a bigger challenge? Stop watching it for a week, and see how different you feel.  Just because its on television doesn't make 100% true.

It's now time to raise your vibration out of the fear that the media and government want to keep you in.  Before we all came into this world we wrote our scripts in the ethereal realm, don't get diverted from your path.

Tips on Raising Your Vibration

  • Turn off the TV.  Try it for 5 to 7 days and see how you feel.
  • Stop reading the paper as well for 5 to 7 days and see how you feel.
  • Start reading things that are more uplifting for your spirit and mind.
  • Mediatate.  If your just starting do it for 10 minutes a day.
  • Stay away from negative people/situations.
  • Do things that make you happy.
  • Stay away from low vibrational music. (This means music that demonizes women or uses profanity.  Music is not like music used to be from the 1980's on back, but there are some good artist who are played on the radio that make music you can feel. I'll post a few videos I've found here.)
  • Surround yourself with good spirited people.
These are some of the things that will help you raise your vibration.  The one I left out that's the most important is to LAUGH. To laugh is what pulls you up out of your darkness.  This is work that you must do for yourself and yourself only. Anytime you have to adjust yourself to make someone else feel comfortable or better about themselves leaves nothing but you making yourself unhappy and uncomfortable.  Do this for you because you're ready to do this for you.  Raise your vibration from being in the Root Chakra to the Heart Chakra.

Please learn to Not Fear.  It's not an easy thing to do I know, because this world has so fearful.  It's time now to re-program yourself  and to tap back into your spirit. Your spirit is fearless, but your mind stuck in this construct since the day you were born has learned how to fear.  Know and understand and overstand that you cannot reach the vibration of the heart chakra until you begin to change you.  The heart is truely 100% accepting, loving. On the path to this you will begin to see truths that where hidden to you because you were not ready to accept them.  You will have to go through this and clear this issues in order to enter the heart chakra completely.  The goal is to enter the heart chakra and to stay there.  You will know when you enter it because you will feel a sensation you have not probably ever felt before.  You will know this when you get here.

Love & Light
Enjoy the wave

Lectures and Music

Lizz Wright - "Home"

Maiysha - "Chase"

Dr.  Mitchell Gibson - Spiritual Healing pt.1





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