Saturday, May 21, 2016

A Spiritual Prospective on Death


    My grandmother made her transition out of this earthly realm on May 11, 2016, and right now my heart is still stinging.  She was buried a week later.  My brother made his transition back in November 2015.  Our souls are energy. Our spirits are energy. When I was practicing Islam I was taught that, "Sleep is the twin sister of death." What does that mean? This is the spiritual meaning of it. Well, while we sleep at night its as if we are dead. This is the time the spirit leaves the body, and can travel to where ever you want to travel at night. During your time of travel you are connected to a spiritual cord that extends from the navel. When you are ready to come back it is by this cord. If this cord happens to disconnect then you have moved on.

     Before our spirits made their way into our mother's womb we had spiritual contracts that we agreed upon with different people.  These contracts with the people we meet, family or otherwise, would help in the lessons that we needed to learn while we are here on this planet. Some of our experiences would be good and we also have those "what the hell moments", but they contribute to our spiritual growth as humans.  There's a saying, "We are spirits having a human experience."

     Again through Islam I learned that when the spirit detaches from the body for good, it does not go very far from the vessel.  So, I can testify that my brother stayed around for a while. My grandmother came around after she transitioned.  With my brother after I visited him in the hospital I went home and light a candle for him, hoping he would make it through.  He came to me while I was lying in bed and I felt as if someone was hold both my ankles. There was a light pressure.  After he was buried, he again came to me. I had gotten up at 3am to go to the bathroom, and when I went back to bed I heard the plastic cup which sat on my window sill on the landing at the bottom of my stairs.  It was as if someone was angry.  He would come on another separate occasions at night and again slam something or the stairs would creak, to let me know he was there.  I had to talk to his spirit after that. After that talk, the noises stopped. I hope he has found his way to the spirit realm.

      When my grandmother transitioned she to came to me, but it was my house creaking in the upper corners of my bedroom. This was during the afternoon. When my house creaks at 3-4am, that's a energy letting me know that they are there. I'm used to the energies passing through.

     So I do not believe in a heaven or a hell, because while I still have breathe to breath I can make my heaven and hell right here in this world. As far as I am concerned we live in a world of hell. It's shown to us daily through the news.

    I have always been a person who can feel energies around me (other than live people). I have been this way since I was a little girl. I have seen things that other people would think I have lost my mind for. Which is why I chose not to speak on them.

    My grandmother, brother, great aunt, Aunt Ruth, Godfather are all part of the ancestral realm.  Even though my heart still hurts from my Grandmother's passing, and still healing from my brother's, they are still here with us. They left legacy's of themselves behind that we were to learn and grow from. They were apart of our lesson in this life. Whether they made a big impression on us or not, the fact that they were apart of our lives was the greatest lesson there is.   So, we grieve and its ok to grieve because we are just cleaning our souls out.  But at the end of day we will smile from the memories that they left with us in this world.  Spirit never dies. The soul never dies. It will live forever until its ready to reincarnate.  Remember you can not destroy energy.  Whenever you want to visit them you can through dreaming.

    I watched this wonderful movie five years ago by Robin Williams called, What Dreams May Come that deals with death and what happens after.  How our thoughts about it now and linger over.

    Being apart of the ancestors they have my back and everyone who is related to them until they decide to reincarnate back into this world.  So to them all I say Ase  Ase, Ase

                                                       What Dreams May Come

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