Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Event is Coming



  The Event what is The Event. There has been a lot of talk of what is going on in our world. So, I will posting things that I have heard so far and you can make your own mind up.

For the past two, three weeks now The Event  has been topic. It was always known that something would happen, but for what, not many knew.  Allison Coe has talked about it. Dolores Cannon has spoken on it, and Fleurbrun has been one of the first to speak on her rainbow experience.  Her first video about The Event was published on YouTube as a ten second video relaying to her audience to, "not be afraid. Its Coming. They don't want you to see this."  Three days later she posted her experience on what happened and what she saw.  By this time The Event slowly started to become topic across the Internet.


Months before this I found a podcast online called Quantum Shift (start here for Nov.15, 2017), where Sam Muggzy, Ken Dunn and Drake Bailey gave "Intel" on how the cabal was going down and how the Galactics were being sent in to help humanity, because all inter dimensional beings want to see us experience this ascension we are to go through. It's only the five percent who want to keep us where we are.  Basically in a nutshell that's what The Event is. Our ascension into the next dimension. Some have incarnated back into this world to experience this, but not everyone will want to move on.  Some of the cabal that has not been captured or have an indictment brought against them are really amping up the fear tactics.  Their tactics so far since the close of March 2018 has been Fed Ex bombings, schools across the country having bomb threats called in. Bridges falling.  All tactics to to keep you distracted and based in fear.  


This energy that Fleurbrun describes and now a man who has posted his experience with what is known now as the Rainbow wave, this energy in my opinion is the energy of the Omnipotent, The Source itself that is based in pure love. That pure love will finish cleaning this planet where the Galactics and others who have come to help can not.  There are those whose job is to help humanity and they are doing this.

I now leave you with videos and podcast that I have been listening to for a while, so that when the energy does hit, you understand what it is you are experiencing  and ground yourself in love.  It is here. There are those who have seen it, and it has been reported in the media out West.  They aren't sure what it is, but its the Rainbow energy that is here to help cleanse you.


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