Astrology one of the oldest forms of science there is in regards to learning and studying the universe in relation to us. Astrology is linked back to Greece as the beginning of astrology when in actuality astrology goes back to Sumer, now Iraq. Astrology was the means used in calculating time as well as being used as a star map of the positions of the planets. The twelve zodiac signs came to be out of the twelve surrounding countries around ancient Sumer. Astrology starts back with the http://xfacts.com/updates/planetx2008.html"> Anunnaki who taught the Sumerians the ancient form of astrology. We have only the 12 constellations that we are familiar with, but there is a 13th constellation that goes by the name http://lightworkers.org/blog/90851/so-13th-sign-zodiac-ophiuchus">
Ophiuchus, named after the Egyptian Imhotep. The symbol of the constellation is a man holding a serpent. Imhotep was a physician which is what the snakes on the Caduceus represents that our medical profession uses today.
Astrology and Astronomy where once considered one and the same since they both dealt with the stars and the universe. According to Encarta World English Dictionary the definition of astrology is the, “study of planets and human behavior: the study of the positions of the Moon, Sun, and other planets in the belief that their motions affect human beings.” According to Online Etymology Dictionary astrology is defined as, “late 14c., from astrologia,” from Greek astrologia “telling the stars,” from astron “star” (see astro-) + -logia “treating of,” comb. Form of logon “one who speaks (in a certain manner).” Originally identical with astronomy, it had also a special since of “practical astronomy, astronomy applied to prediction of events.” This was divided into natural astrology “the calculation and foretelling of natural phenomenon” (tides, eclipses, etc.), and judicial astrology “the art of judging occult influences of stars on human affairs” (also known as stromancy, 1650s). Differentiation between astrology and astronomy began late 1400s and by 17c. This word was limited to “reading influences of the stars and their effects on human destiny.” Astrological is recorded from 1590s.”
In astrology each cycle or age is 2150 years before one cycle/age ends and another begins. We have left the age of Pisces and have entered into the age of Aquarius. Pisces represented the fish, I AM while the age of Aquarius is the age of I Know, the water bearer. The pouring forth of knowledge. The constellations are the star maps that ancient civilazations used and one that some still use such as the Dogon in Africa. It is the alignment of the stars that have lead to the phrase, “As Above So Below”.
In some religions it may seem to have picked up an bad reputation as being “evil” when Christianity and Islam are actually books of astronomy and astrology. “Berose an astrologer from Chaldea spread astrology throughout http://www.destinytarot.com/articles/astrology_and_religion.htm”> Greece. In Greece astrology was one with religion. It was later on that the Christian church fought hard to separate astrology and religion.
There are many places in the Quran and the Bible which speak of astrology, so how can it be perceived as being wrong or “evil” when astrology/astronomy are used in these books. The Bible Genesis 1.14, Job 38:32, Numbers 9:2. In the Quran Surah 67:5, Surah 16:16, Surah 67:5, Surah Yunus: 101. These are a few verses of the signs of astrology in the Bible and the Quran. As Above So Below. Our ancestors where guided by the night sky.
http://www.astrologyweekly.com/- free online astrology books, and free astrology books for download
http://www.stariq.com/AstrologicalStudies.htm-For those who want to go more in depth with the study of astrology. This site offers an extensive collection of articles.
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Here are more books for those interested in learning more about the world of astrology.
Astrology for Beginners: A Simple way to Read your Chart
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