I was going through a book I bought back in the summer of 2011 but as I never got around to reading it until now. Usually reading something else or I buy a book and come back to it later. I was reading it and came upon some interesting information. The name of this book is “The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets" by Barbara G. Walker. Here are some things that were of an interest. More will be added so check back.

The god Moses met on Mount Sinai claimed to be the god of Abraham, though he said Abraham knew him by a different name (Exodus 6:3). In fact, Abraham may have been the same deity. Very ancient documents used the name Abraham or Ab-ram as a synonym for Ab-Sin, Moon-father. 2 In the 12th century B.C., the Babylonian heaven was ruled by a trinity consisting of Shamash, Sin, and Ishtar, represented by the sun, moon, and stars.3
1.Briffault 3, 106 2. Briffault 3, 108 3.Campbell, M.I., 88
Tantric tradition said the triangle was the Primordial Image, or the female Triangle of Life. 1 It was known as the Kali Yantra, representing Kali as Cunti, or else as the Yoni Yantra, or sign of the vulva.2 In Egypt the triangle was a hieroglyphic sign for “woman,” and it carried the same meaning among the gypsies, who brought it from their original home in Hindustan. 3 In the Greek sacred alphabet, the delta or triangle stood for the Holy Door, vulva of the All-Mother Demeter (“Mother Delta”).
Most ancient symbol systems recognized the triangle as a sign of the Goddess’s Virgin-Mother-Crone trinity and at the same time as her genital “holy place,” source of all life. The triangle represented the Virgin Moon Goddess called Men-Nefer, archaic deity of the first Mother-city of Memphis. 4 The triangle itself was worshipped in much the same way that modern Christians worship the cross. Concerning this, Oriental sages said: “The object of the worship of the Yantra is to attain unity with the Mother of the Universe in Her forms as Mind, Life, and Matter…preparatory to Yoga union with Her as She is in herself as Pure Consciousness.” 5
The triangle was everywhere connected with the female trinity, and a frequent component of monograms of Goddess. To the Gnostics, the triangle signified “creative intellect.”6
1. Silberer, 170. 2.Mahanirvanatantra, 127. 3. Lederer, 141. 4. Book of the Dead, 204. 5. Avalon, 428. 6. Koch, 8-9, 54.
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