
Sunday, October 12, 2014

WTH is dating

I've been out the dating loop for a very long time. I say this only because I have been dipping my toe in the pool off and on and what attaches I do not like.  I last dated at the ageof 24, and then a year later of Islam and got married. I left Islam when I was 32. So, yes dating has changed a whole hell of a lot.

Men for some reason, I pucking up this vibe, are scared to approach me, and the ones that do when I tell them my last name they flich up. I never took back my maiden name. The ones who are brave, the last name means nothing because they trying to get some bookie and be out.  Where is the getting to know you?  I'm not trying to sleep with man the first night, let alone the first or second week. It's been a while but damn I'm not desperate.  This is your experience and how you get down I throw the black power fist up in the air to you and say get yours.

My experience has evolved, and I need a man whose consciousness is just as evolved. Now with these guys approaching me imagine me saying to them, "I no longer practice Islam, I am now studying and learning about Metaphysics and the Occult, this guys would flee and say I worship Satan (ha).  What happenened to exploring a persons mind before you decided you wanted to lay down with them.

I've flirted, say hi and these guys run away like I had a wart on my nose. See when I last dated I dated guys who were gentlemen. If it didn't click then that was ok, we were both emotionally secure for the rejection.  Is that what it is now all this hopping from relationship to relationship. People are not emotionally secure to deal with the rejection or justmerely seeking love outside themselves when it starts with you individually first. Most people ccan't be alone with themselves for two minutes, but this is how you come to love and appreciate yourself. I had to learn this, and at some point most of us come to this realization.

Whoever he is..we'll find one another.  Maybe this is the way the spirit world is telling me to keep working and focus on my self.  But what has been coning to me has got to go.

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