There are those who are faulting President Trump with not doing anything but tweeting, and talking negatively about other races of people in other countries. This is what I have said about Trump when I heard that he was President was he is there for a reason. He has a role to play out. People may not like him but what you fail to realize is he telling you truths, but crudely. It's hard to take a truth when you have been lied to, and manipulated for decades, and don't realize that this is what has been happening to you. Take an even closer look and you will see that Trump, however much you don't like him, is doing his role. He is draining the swamp, and letting you see the people who have been running this country for who they really are. This is only January 2018, and I believe its about to get more interesting.
So, again I bring to you another writing from my feed by Brother Valentine. Mind you that your Government Officials, Judges, Elites have always participated in raping young children. But then this pulls us into another arena of are these beings "human" or another type of species, because no true human with any type of morals or compassion would think of doing such a thing. This is why the term "fake news" was put out by main stream media, because they knew what was coming, but didn't and still don't want you know what is coming for them and is already here. Check out what Bro. Valentine says.
** UPDATE **
The following is based on a personal assessment of little known and under-reported facts. Make of i...t what you wish.
Get ready for "Black (ed out) History Month"..!
(1) Because the covert war within the circles of the Parasitic Elite will be ramped up 10-fold between now and December due to Trump issuing that Executive Order freezing all bank accounts and assets of those under secret indictment for child sex trafficking and ritual murder. In doing so, he has openly DECLARED WAR against the Shadow Government, alleging among other things Treason, Fraud, and the CIA's and FBI's complicity in child sex trafficking, kidnapping and ritual child sacrifice worldwide - including their aiding in the cover up of the traffickers' identities, as well as the cover up of the identities of those in high places in the government and mega-corporations who solicited their services.
(2) Because within the body of that Executive Order, there is also a clause that appears to refer to "The Forgiveness of Debt" - alluding to some sort of "Financial Jubilee" meant to neutralize the nation's MEGA-DEBT, as well as neutralize the hold of the Federal Reserve on the people, which has already begun with his retrieval of 19 Trillion in stolen public funds, under the guise of it being "returned by trade" over the next 8 years. This might very well cause repercussions by the NWO that include an escalation of staged false flags / "civil unrest" / heightened threat of Nuclear war, or a micro-nuke detonation resulting in a tsunami off the east coast, or a "UFO attack" or state disclosure included for good measure.
(3) Because the "Black Panther Movie" dropping on Valentine's day in February will be no doubt be an epic event ...; BUT ... it will be dwarfed by the amount of high level members of the Parasitic Elite that will soon be facing a military tribunal and thereafter, taking up residence at Guantanamo Bay. February might also see the pre-resignations and possibly public arrests of high level officials for treason, state level theft, voter fraud, securities fraud, and even murder. We'll see...
(4) Because according to Timothy Holmseth (look him up - first person highly reliable source), like JFK had a co-conspirator in his assassination as his running mate (LBJ), Trump has a potential traitor as his right hand man in the person of his Vice-President, Michael Pence - a covert Jesuit agent. According to Holmseth, Indiana was and still is a Shadow Government hub for flesh trafficking that involves the US military. Holmseth says he forwarded a letter to US Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions (to me, another creepy "suspect") expressing his concerns about Pence.
(4a) In 2011, Holmseth began to investigate corruption in the State of Indiana regarding it being used as a staging ground for shadow operations, viz; coordinating operatives across the United States - particularly between, Indiana, Minnesota, and Florida. He filed very detailed complaints to the State and the police in Mishawaka, which included detailed information on CIA / FBI "baby sales"; eg; using the cover of "adoption agencies" as a means for "legally" trafficking children to perspective customers in the national/international pedophile network.
(4b) Holmseth's investigation exposed that HUNDREDS of top level "elites" in government and the corporate hierarchy are involved, which in turn involved HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of babies, pre-teens, and teenagers being trafficked to "sex-camps" under the guise of being candidates for "adoption". And this was just in Indiana.
No action was taken after the report was submitted (Surprised?)
(4c) Holmseth also discovered secret communications between State and Federal Law enforcement, the US Military, and the Judicial community, where private contractors coordinated with government contractors to (off the record) frame, blackmail, extort, and threaten witnesses to their crimes; ie; their international child and baby-sales operation run by the CIA and FBI, and possibly, the US Air Force.
(4d) Holmseth also uncovered Satanic Ritual Abuse operations in Indiana, where he located ENTIRE TUNNEL SYSTEMS used for transporting babies and children to be used in sacrificial rituals, which brings us to a person named "Tory Smith" - and his connection to our "person of interest mentioned earlier - Vice President Michael Pence.
According to Tory Smith (look him up), as an elective official of the State of Indiana, up to and including his time as Governor, the now Vice President of the United States Mike Pence, has raped HUNDREDS of children - and is even alleged to have participated in ritual sacrifice. Holmseth states that Smith's accounting of these facts align with his own, even though the two never knew of each other - until recently. Hmmm...
In conclusion; Could the fact that intelligence gathered by agents loyal to Trump of an assassination attempt using Drones on his way to London (a trip he cancelled BTW), be connected to "Sleepers" and "Moles" in the upper echelon of the Republican (as well as Democratic) party, whose names might be included in those 10,000 indictments - V.P Mike Pence included??! If Trump is assassinated because the so-called "Deep State" / Parasitic Elite and their agents in BOTH parties panicked knowing their next relationship with the State is "3 Hots and a Cot", Mike Pence could then be the Jesuit "Sleeper" that ascends the throne, and the New World Order will have been victorious!
Again, get ready for February Family, and always do your "due-diligence" on the information offered here. Don't just give me emotion-based lip service and pretend it's an educated response. We are front-row center to the in-fighting between Political Parasites who presently hold themselves up as paragons of virtue amongst a bubbling cauldron of Maggots that currently fester in "Washington (D)istrict of (C)riminals".
("...As always, should you or any member of your IM (Investigative Minds) Force be hassled or trolled, the secretary will support any pertinent knowledge of your actions. This knowledge will internally self-evolve you in five seconds...")
Good Luck Family... 

Dr. Valentine
Just remember this is not our fight. The elites are fighting amongst themselves and we just in the middle of the damn thing.
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