Well, 2018 has started off to be really interesting. A "meteor" that hit in Michigan, Japan launching from their "space station", a loud boom and shaking down in Atlanta, Georgia on the 20th, our Congress and some Senators being seen with ankle boots on, "tethers", and when asked what happened they respond they broke a bone in their foot. I mean wow and it' only January.
Now, we have sex dolls coming on the market. The first introduction of a sex doll was in December 2017. When I first heard about it my thoughts were that any man that has to buy a sex doll has no social skills in how to deal with women. They lack communication skills, and what true intimacy is with another person. This goes around the board for what ever your preference is. That's using either the blow up doll or buying the new real looking human version. But wait now woman can buy one with a bionic Penis and transsexuals aren't left out either. They are covering everybody.
If you read my last blog and listened to the Quantum Shift video, one of the things mentioned was the CDC saying 50 new std's were now active. Then a friend was saying about the sex dolls that a lot of men are going to end up with cancer in their penis. Yes, women get cancer from using the vibrators. She was also saying how these are robots. Metallic, silicone covered robots. So, hearing this I looked at the CDC'S website and found nothing pertaining to the new std's, I thought could these sex dolls actually be carrying new strains of viruses. The promotion of these sex dolls are big, but why? Could this be one of the reasons.
One of the other things that came to my mind was that this could also be a new way for demon possession. It still is relevant believe it or not. Or could possible have some type of recorder attached? We don't know. Just some things I'm throwing out there.
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