
Sunday, November 30, 2014


  Every since I was in my 20's I have become disgusted with the division that I see.  There is division in class, race, religion and its all just like can we get over this?  The thing that has bothered me the most is how we are divided as a race of people.  There were many stories that I heard in my life time like.. The Africans had among them a light skinned hue of people who they escorted out of Africa up into the Caucasus mountains because they simply looked different.  Over the years they mated with one another and there line stayed fair. The civility they had and learned while among the Africans soon dissipated and they became uncivil, unmoral.  It would take a Moor years later to find them and teach them again what they once knew.   The other story was told by Elijah Muhammad by way of Fard Muhammad. This was the Yakub story.  How Yakub hated black people so much because they teased him when he was younger because he had a big head.  So to get back Yacub's plan when he got older was to create a lighter race of people.  According to the story he did.

     So in my estimation wouldn't that make all "white" people albinos?  We all hear the story that all peoples ancestry started in Africa.  Yes, there were Albinos among them at the time but I don't believe they were ran out.  The first wave of migration out of Africa was to Australia.  The second migration out of Africa was Northward to Southern Asia and China.   The Albinos who migrated in this wave are said to have stayed in Central Asia and Europe without migrating any further.

     According to The Real History of Whites "the European "White" is actually an Albino whose migration out of Africa ended up in Central Asia before making there way into Europe. The Albino is descended from the Dravidian who were of darker hue."

     So where did the classification of whiteness come from if these are just Albino versions of darker hued people.   In 1795  German Scientist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach divided the human species into five races: Caucasian, the "white" race; Mongolian, the "yellow" race; Ethiopian, the "black" race Malayan, the "brown" race; the American, the "red" race.    So here is where we find the division of people according to skin tone.  He also considered the Caucasian the first race which is known to be a lie.

Origin of White People

Dr. Nell Painter

Dravidian's The Real

     Lets face it we are all one human family that has been divided by lies.  The point I see of my "white" family is that most of you have to work yourselves back into the human family. Some have. Some will still not except this. Its 2014 to much information has come to light about ourselves to be still stuck consciously in a 1950's mode of thinking.   The ancestors are showing us who we are.  It is documented that there are "white"  couples having black children.  Now she either slept with a black man or genetics are kicking in. A black couple can have children from Albino to blue black. That's just how its always been. 

Skin Trailer- About a white couple who have a black child in 1960's South Africa

     The racial tension in North America is so high because after the 1960's riot there was never any real dialogue about race in this country. It was all swept under the rug and black history taught as if slavery was the beginning of black people's history. Which it is not!  So under the surface you still have a high tension brewing.  The murders of black men in North America is tragic, most of it plays in the left over tensions from the 60's and the other having a victim mentality.  A lot of people don't want to hear that.

     Its time to raise your vibration and get it together.

Booker T. Coleman  

Origin of Human Race

Black People Ruled Europe, Spain and Russia

Blacks in Asia

Friday, November 28, 2014

Are You Gonna Speak or Not?

      There is this this security guard at a supermarket who is very attractive. We caught notice of one another two years ago now, and when we locked eyes I felt a feeling come over me that I have never felt with a man in all my life. There was this magnetic pull and thevibe was very surreal.   Well every since then we have been playing this game called "I spy you".   I spy you is when you quickly check out the other person when they're not looking.  Crazy I know.   It got to the point where he would follow me to check me out, or one day last year as I was standing by the refrigerator section he came and stood 2 feet away from me. So I got tried of playing this game and decided I would speak. We both to old for these games.  So as I was leaving the store I turned and looked his direction smiled and said hi.  He was taken off guard.  The next month I came back he wouldn't even look my direction.  I guess he was still embarrassed to be taken off guard.  So the ball was thrown into his court and he still holding the damn ball.  I know he's still interested because he is still checking me out. At times he walks right behind me two feet away.  Its like he wants to say something but to shy or not sure how to because he might get rejected.

     I spoke to you. I said hi to you. I check you out too. I look to see if you are there when I walk into the store. Its been a long time since I dated and I am used to men approaching me not just staring at me. Its like he is unsure.

     I love to go grocery shopping because that is my me time. I can relax. I am in no rush. I can connect with my thoughts while I shop, but when I see him he brings a new aspect to the whole experience.  If I go in stressed and see him it all dissipates.  I have learned he is my whoo-sa.  Nothing that happened during my day matters anymore.

    It even got to the point that I stopped shopping at the store he works at for two months, hoping that he would muster up the courage when he saw me again to speak.  Did it work? No. When I returned it was just a look of "she's OK She's back."..  We are in our late 30's early 40's and I get being cautious on who you try to date or BRI ng into your life, but we both interested in getting to know one another.  The ball is in his court. He just needs to stop traveling and make the move.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Give and Receive at the Same Time

     When I find something good I just have to tell everyone I know. Its not often I get to do this. I found a company online that offers healthy delicious snacks that come delivered to your door month after month. The name of the company is Love With Food.

     Every month I get to discover new organic or all natural snacks for $10 a month. New subscribers can get a Free snack box there first month. Membership thereafter would be the $10 a month the. They also have a glutin free box. You can cancel at anytime. If you come to love Love With Food you can change your subscription to the Deluxe box that has more snacks. Did you know that you are also helping to feed people as well with your subscription?   When you order your snack box you are helping to feed one person. With the Deluxe you are helping to feed two people.  You are receiving and giving at the same time.

     I have enjoyed my boxes, and so has my child surprisingly.   To check out the page just click Love With Food.

A Dream Deferred

      How many of us as adults  can say that we are doing the work we wanted to do when we were teens? How many of us were criticised that we wouldn't be able to do such work? This is why I like the X-Factor, So You Think You Can Dance, American Idol because even though most of the people who go on that show really don't have the talent, they weren't afraid to go out on the limb and try. To live out the dream. At least they can look back and say they tried. They put forth the effort.

     Some of us who had our dreams crushed at an early age don't venture to try again until we become older, and realize how much our current job really sucks, and that we should actually be doing something that makes us happy. Work should not  feel like working right? That's why for some of us are spirits are fighting against what we are currently doing. This is where I am right now, trying to make sense out of it all. I love what I do, working with children. I'm just exhausted, and need to do something else that will get me excited. I just know at this juncture I do not want to work for anybody else. I want to homeschooling my child and travel.

     We as adults who have children, nurture your child(ren)s abilities. Do not crush them and please do not allow anyone else to crush your child(ren)s spirit. If they want to be a chef nurture that and have them cook with you in the kitchen, and if you don't cook a family member who does. Let them watch cooking shows. A future scientist? Buy them a microscope and practice lab set from the children's toy section. They like watching the heavens? Get them a telescope. Introduce them to the world of astronomy with books about the universe. Where ever you see that positive interest support it. I don't care if they want to be a Ninja Turtle. They will grow out of that phase. Its about your support. You are your child's first fan or you can be your child's first hater. Which one will you be?

     What is your dream deferred? What do you really want to do that you never got to do? Its never to late to go after it. There are 80 year old people who still live as if they are in there 30's. You don't have to leap in head first. Just take small steps and move toward your dream. Those who are around you now you are not supportive in your dream are the nay-sayers who need to be removed from your circle. These are the ones who unsupportive in your pathway toward your dream,but once you make it to your dream these are the ones who want what you have. Just let them go now. Once you start you will slowly begin to meet people who are to help you along your journey. It will be scary, but its a lovely journey.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Stop having Children You Don't Really Want

I was once with the theory that it takes a village to raise a child, I must admit  I enjoy being around children, there have been women I have encountered who have helped me to throw this idea out the window.  I have met women who have decided to have a large family and they do very well in taking care of their children.  This blog is not for you. This blog is for those women who decide to have a large family and then don't keep the children up.  They looking all types of ways and when you see mama here she is with her expensive outfit on, hair and nails done but these babies looking any type of way. Not cool.  Or she puts her child in daycare telling the center  the child is potty trained and all evidence points to she lied. She just wanted somebody else to potty train her child.   Children I have met with mothers like this are the most beautiful  children you would every want to encounter, but if mama knew she wouldn't be able to do it then at some point she should have taken measures and stopped at some point.

Women think that birth control is the only way to prevent pregnancy, but there's this thing called " Mind over Matter". You can tell yourself you will not get pregnant and it does work. You can be selective about who you chose to lay with as well.  Better yet make him wear the condom. For women who get pregnant in order to "keep" a man from leaving you. STOP IT!  He don't want you then let him push on. Stop bringing these babies in the world to hold over these guys heads who don't want nothing from you but the coochie he running after in the first place.  Babies that you really don't want either.  You really don't understand what you are doing to these children emotionally.  They did not ask to come here that was your call to bring them into the world, so its your responsibility to take care of them.  No one owes you anything for your choose.

Alternatives to the Pill

Natural Alternatives to the pill

Natural birth control using herbs

Natural Contraception Neem Oil

Highscope Curriculum

I am working as an Infant-Toddler teacher and every inch of my spirit is fighting this high scope method to be used for my age group? The part that gets me the most is recall time, most of babies do not speak.  I have three that I can have a conversation with and this works. I just feel this is mostly for Preschool or Great Start children.  If you are a teacher what do you think?

If you use a High scope Curriculum what state do you live in?