
Monday, January 22, 2018

Sex Dolls

                          Child sex dolls, human-bot babies and the end of society: RT attends London’s Sex Robot Conference

Well, 2018 has started off to be really interesting. A "meteor" that hit in Michigan, Japan launching from their "space station", a loud boom and shaking down in Atlanta, Georgia on the 20th, our Congress and some Senators being seen with ankle boots on, "tethers", and when asked what happened they respond they broke a bone in their foot. I mean wow and it' only January.

Now, we have sex dolls coming on the market. The first introduction of a sex doll was in December 2017. When I first heard about it my thoughts were that any man that has to buy a sex doll has no social skills in how to deal with women. They lack communication skills, and what true intimacy is with another person. This goes around the board for what ever your preference is.  That's using either the blow up doll or buying the new real looking human version. But wait now woman can buy one with a bionic Penis and transsexuals aren't left out either. They are covering everybody.

If you read my last blog and listened to the Quantum Shift video, one of the things mentioned was the CDC saying 50 new std's were now active.  Then a friend was saying about the sex dolls that a lot of men are going to end up with cancer in their penis. Yes, women get cancer from using the vibrators. She was also saying how these are robots. Metallic, silicone covered robots.  So, hearing this I looked at the CDC'S website and found nothing pertaining to the new std's, I thought could these sex dolls actually be carrying new strains of viruses. The promotion of these sex dolls are big, but why? Could this be one of the reasons.

One of the other things that came to my mind was that this could also be a new way for demon possession.  It still is relevant  believe it or not.  Or could possible have some type of recorder attached?  We don't know. Just some things I'm throwing out there.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

It's Going Down

There are those who are faulting President Trump with not doing anything but tweeting, and talking negatively about other races of people in other countries. This is what I have said about Trump when I heard that he was President was he is there for a reason. He has a role to play out.  People may not like him but what you fail to realize is he telling you truths, but crudely. It's hard to take a truth when you have been lied to, and manipulated for decades, and don't realize that this is what has been happening to you.  Take an even closer look and you will see that Trump, however much you don't like him, is doing his role. He is draining the swamp, and letting you see the people who have been running this country for who they really are.  This is only January 2018, and I believe its about to get more interesting.
So, again I bring to you another writing from my feed by Brother Valentine.  Mind you that your Government Officials, Judges, Elites have always participated in raping young children.  But then this pulls us into another arena of are these beings "human" or another type of species, because no true human with any type of morals or compassion would think of doing such a thing.  This is why the term "fake news" was put out by main stream media, because they knew what was coming, but didn't and still don't want you know what is coming for them and is already here.    Check out what Bro. Valentine says.
** UPDATE **
The following is based on a personal assessment of little known and under-reported facts. Make of i...t what you wish.
Get ready for "Black (ed out) History Month"..!
(1) Because the covert war within the circles of the Parasitic Elite will be ramped up 10-fold between now and December due to Trump issuing that Executive Order freezing all bank accounts and assets of those under secret indictment for child sex trafficking and ritual murder. In doing so, he has openly DECLARED WAR against the Shadow Government, alleging among other things Treason, Fraud, and the CIA's and FBI's complicity in child sex trafficking, kidnapping and ritual child sacrifice worldwide - including their aiding in the cover up of the traffickers' identities, as well as the cover up of the identities of those in high places in the government and mega-corporations who solicited their services.
(2) Because within the body of that Executive Order, there is also a clause that appears to refer to "The Forgiveness of Debt" - alluding to some sort of "Financial Jubilee" meant to neutralize the nation's MEGA-DEBT, as well as neutralize the hold of the Federal Reserve on the people, which has already begun with his retrieval of 19 Trillion in stolen public funds, under the guise of it being "returned by trade" over the next 8 years. This might very well cause repercussions by the NWO that include an escalation of staged false flags / "civil unrest" / heightened threat of Nuclear war, or a micro-nuke detonation resulting in a tsunami off the east coast, or a "UFO attack" or state disclosure included for good measure.
(3) Because the "Black Panther Movie" dropping on Valentine's day in February will be no doubt be an epic event ...; BUT ... it will be dwarfed by the amount of high level members of the Parasitic Elite that will soon be facing a military tribunal and thereafter, taking up residence at Guantanamo Bay. February might also see the pre-resignations and possibly public arrests of high level officials for treason, state level theft, voter fraud, securities fraud, and even murder. We'll see...
(4) Because according to Timothy Holmseth (look him up - first person highly reliable source), like JFK had a co-conspirator in his assassination as his running mate (LBJ), Trump has a potential traitor as his right hand man in the person of his Vice-President, Michael Pence - a covert Jesuit agent. According to Holmseth, Indiana was and still is a Shadow Government hub for flesh trafficking that involves the US military. Holmseth says he forwarded a letter to US Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions (to me, another creepy "suspect") expressing his concerns about Pence.
(4a) In 2011, Holmseth began to investigate corruption in the State of Indiana regarding it being used as a staging ground for shadow operations, viz; coordinating operatives across the United States - particularly between, Indiana, Minnesota, and Florida. He filed very detailed complaints to the State and the police in Mishawaka, which included detailed information on CIA / FBI "baby sales"; eg; using the cover of "adoption agencies" as a means for "legally" trafficking children to perspective customers in the national/international pedophile network.
(4b) Holmseth's investigation exposed that HUNDREDS of top level "elites" in government and the corporate hierarchy are involved, which in turn involved HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of babies, pre-teens, and teenagers being trafficked to "sex-camps" under the guise of being candidates for "adoption". And this was just in Indiana.
No action was taken after the report was submitted (Surprised?)
(4c) Holmseth also discovered secret communications between State and Federal Law enforcement, the US Military, and the Judicial community, where private contractors coordinated with government contractors to (off the record) frame, blackmail, extort, and threaten witnesses to their crimes; ie; their international child and baby-sales operation run by the CIA and FBI, and possibly, the US Air Force.
(4d) Holmseth also uncovered Satanic Ritual Abuse operations in Indiana, where he located ENTIRE TUNNEL SYSTEMS used for transporting babies and children to be used in sacrificial rituals, which brings us to a person named "Tory Smith" - and his connection to our "person of interest mentioned earlier - Vice President Michael Pence.
According to Tory Smith (look him up), as an elective official of the State of Indiana, up to and including his time as Governor, the now Vice President of the United States Mike Pence, has raped HUNDREDS of children - and is even alleged to have participated in ritual sacrifice. Holmseth states that Smith's accounting of these facts align with his own, even though the two never knew of each other - until recently. Hmmm...
In conclusion; Could the fact that intelligence gathered by agents loyal to Trump of an assassination attempt using Drones on his way to London (a trip he cancelled BTW), be connected to "Sleepers" and "Moles" in the upper echelon of the Republican (as well as Democratic) party, whose names might be included in those 10,000 indictments - V.P Mike Pence included??! If Trump is assassinated because the so-called "Deep State" / Parasitic Elite and their agents in BOTH parties panicked knowing their next relationship with the State is "3 Hots and a Cot", Mike Pence could then be the Jesuit "Sleeper" that ascends the throne, and the New World Order will have been victorious!
Again, get ready for February Family, and always do your "due-diligence" on the information offered here. Don't just give me emotion-based lip service and pretend it's an educated response. We are front-row center to the in-fighting between Political Parasites who presently hold themselves up as paragons of virtue amongst a bubbling cauldron of Maggots that currently fester in "Washington (D)istrict of (C)riminals".
("...As always, should you or any member of your IM (Investigative Minds) Force be hassled or trolled, the secretary will support any pertinent knowledge of your actions. This knowledge will internally self-evolve you in five seconds...")
Good Luck Family...
Dr. Valentine
Just remember this is not our fight. The elites are fighting amongst themselves and we just in the middle of the damn thing.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Island Is Real?

      I came upon some videos today that passed itself off at first as something else to me. I saw the picture you see above and then I saw three videos that would freak anybody out that was new to this technology.  I will post the videos below for you to view.  So, of course I had to find out where this picture and these videos came from.  I mean this all reminded me of the movie, "The Island".

     So, with some digging I found out that all of this was for the release of the Netflix movie, "Altered Carbon."  I mean they went all the way with making this event for them as believable as possible and I will say that they did a good job.  From what I gathered from the videos and what I read is that this show will be about being able to transfer your consciousness from your body into an avatar.   We've seen a lot of shows like this such as Transcendence, The Island was more of producing clones and then using those body parts of the clones for those who paid for it.  

     Could it even be possible to transfer consciousness? Understand that technology is much more advanced than what they say.  #2 Where did the writers get the concept from consciousness transferring.  We are in a time where they have told you they are mapping the human brain.  What if there was a company that was interested in doing something like this?  A company based out of Australia Humai, is interested in doing such a thing. There's an Italian doctor who claims to be able to transfer consciousness by head transplant onto a new body.

  So, whether its the stuff or Sci-fi or something slowly being brought into reality that's up to you to decide if its real or not.




Monday, January 8, 2018

President Trumps Human Trafficking Order

Dr. Valentine is a Metaphysican and Naturopath. I have been following his work for many years, and the things he gathers is on point.  I recently started delving into this q anon situation and the things he says I came to some what the same conclusion, but he clarifies and makes things fit.  So, this is his take on the Executive Order on human trafficking that Trump has signed into effect. Very interesting with all the things I've been reading and listening to lately.

"Greetings Beloved Family;
As the so-called New (Gregorian Calendar) Year begins, many of my students have been inquiring about Trump's Executive Order issued 12/21/2017. So, I obtained a copy. While reading through it, I began getting flashbacks to an experience I shared with a few "politically aware" people whom I met sometime around 1992. Back then, I was participating in something that caused a "quiet cataclysm" within the global parasitic power structure, which would change the course of their 100-year plan to establish a global slave-paradigm they dubbed the "New World Order".

It was called "The Farm Claims", and here’s the untold “Back-Story” as I remember it, in brief. (Or as “brief” as I can for it all to make sense to you). ðŸ˜Š What follows will hopefully fast-track you on what’s REALLY going on behind the sordid scenes of our “Mandela-Jacked” reality.
********************** UPDATE: PART ONE ***********************
The Farm Claims began in the 1980s when bankster parasites, crooked lawyers, corporate bureaucrats and politicians, working for industrial farming corporations (like Monsanto), started foreclosing on family farms in an attempted land-grab out in the mid-west. However, one farmer named Darryl Freck decided to sue his bank for damages based on their predatory lending practices. During the preparation of his suit, he discovered that (1) our government was no longer a Constitutional Republic “of the people”, “by the people”, or “for the people” - but a private corporation run by a conglomerate of private international bankers; and (2) that ALL the banks in America were connected to one private, family-owned, centralized “Federal Reserve” banking “system”. As a result, he tasked his attorneys to file suit against his bank AND the Federal Reserve, based on the 1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Act that also had two additional anti-trust pieces of legislation passed with it in 1914, to help protect consumers and prevent monopolies. After winning the preliminary hearing, the Judge and attorneys then upgraded his case to a Class Action Suit, inviting all farmers who were presently in foreclosure, or had been foreclosed on, to participate.
The Supreme Court eventually found in favor of the farmers, and as a further bonus, stipulated that the farmers’ Class Action case be expanded to include ALL Americans affected by the monopolistic policies of this privately owned Federal Reserve. However, the Court gave the winners a time limit within which to privately let ALL Americans file as participants in that suit, placing a “conditional gag order” on the case stating that the results of the suit was NOT be mentioned in the media.
This led to people closely associated with the case creating a “Registration Form” itemizing a laundry list of damages incurred against all Americans living under the predatory practices of this private banking monopoly - each damage represented by a dollar amount; eg; foreclosure of your residential property = $2 million; foreclosure of industrial property = $10 million; no affordable education = $3 million; incarceration for non-lethal crimes (bank robbery; tax evasion) = $1 million; etc. The average sum for every American rounded out to about $25,000.000.00 (These figures are based on what I could remember, and may not be totally accurate. However, I remember mine rounded out to $37.5m)
Historically, this was the case that eventually led to what became known as “NESARA” (the National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act - which George W. Bush attempted to hijack by renaming it the “National Economic Security And Reformation Act”). NESARA met with ridicule and the same ole tired “Conspiracy Theory” bullshit in the media to sidetrack scrutiny by the public - “Conspiracy Theory” being a “dismissive” term created by the CIA and the Parasitic Elite to undermine the credibility of those who were exposing the truth.
BTW: The N.E.S.A.R.A. (which is now known as the “G.E.S.A.R.A.” - the “GLOBAL Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act”), was previously set to be announced in the national media at 9am, EST, Tuesday, September 11, 2001, in front of the World Trade Center...!!
(Hmmm. What happened at precisely 8:46am EST, Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 again...??!)
NOW: Fast forward to the present...
This historic court victory was considered an all-out attack against the “Banksters” / ”Economic Enslavers”, who escalated it into a bloody covert war between factions loyal to a Constitutional Republic, and those in bed with the international Cabal/conglomerate, led by the Jesuit Vatican and the Rothschild dynasty’s Federal Reserve - the latter prospering OBSCENELY from associating with these banker vermin and political parasites; viz; all presidents since 1913 (except Kennedy and possibly McKinley), 99.9% of the US Congress, the Military Industrial Complex, the captains of industry, the BAR association (British Crown); the entertainment industry, and the churches.
The “Global Security Fund” (GSF) was set up to act like the “European Recovery Plan” (better known as the “Marshall Plan”), that economically and infrastructurally helped rebuild Europe after WW-2. The US chipped in 13 Billion for that deal (142 Billion today). This GSF was be used as a “national insurance policy” to rebuild the United States if Russia and United States were to engage in a “nuclear” war. Fears of atomic annihilation were rife on both sides of our “Flatted Plane-t at that time, where we went from a “Hot” war (WW-2) to a “Cold” war (not to mention that both sides were attempting to break through the ‘Compressed Hydrogen Dome’ above us with their “nuclear” missiles - America conducting “Operation Fishbowl”, “Operation Blue Gill + Blue Gill Prime”, “Operation Starfish” + “Starfish Prime”).
So, after recognizing the carnage wrought by WW-2, wealthy bureaucrats, businessmen and all the U.S. financial elite who profited from that war, and stood to profit from the spoils of a “World War-3”, “anted up” and contributed huge amounts to this “global insurance policy” while the Cold War was still raging from 1947 through 1991.
This fund sat in an account all that time, quietly accruing insane interest until Ronald Reagan became president and happened to check on it. He found that the account had grown into the TRILLIONS. This is when he appointed a man named Leo Wanta and gave him an “above-top-secret” clearance as a spy to the Federal Reserve. His clearance was higher than the CIA, FBI, DAARPA, and the NSA. He was exclusively the president’s “inside man”.
Who is Leo Wanta?
Leo Wanta was a mathematics and economics genius, as well as a genius in the use of currencies as a weapon against countries considered “enemies of the United States.”
At the same time he appointed Wanta, Reagan instituted “Executive Order 123333”, which allowed US intelligence agencies to establish covert international financial corporations as “covert weapons” against “recognized enemies of the United States.” Wanta was given ambassadorships to Switzerland, Somalia, and Canada, all for the purpose of setting up front corporations to buy and sell currencies; in effect, to profit from the manipulation of the global currency market.
Wanta travelled overseas and established these corporations to buy and trade using the Soviet Banking system. He bought and sold currencies and products very cheap, manipulating the currencies of different countries. He bought Russian rubles at a ridiculous low, thereafter collecting enormous commissions and selling them at 5 times their value. For his efforts, he acquired nearly 30 Trillion dollars. He stashed these monies in a secret account, which Regan declared would be given to the American people “...when the time was right.”
What comes next is a radically edited account of what took place during the time he set up this account and the present.
In Light,
Dr. Valentine 
********************* UPDATE: PART TWO *************************
Jeremy Hanson, on his blog-talk show “Unleashed”, corroborates much of what I have thus-far mentioned, although from what I heard, he seems to have left out many points in the story as I remembered it first-hand. What he pieces together however, did indeed connect recent events that seemed “odd” as they were happening at the time. More on this later...
In July of 1993 (just before Bill Clinton became the 42nd president), a lawyer named Vince Foster (remember him), along with Freddie Woodruff and Leo Wanta, were sent to Switzerland to arrest a man named Mark Rich. But it turned out to be a double-cross, and Reagan’s man Leo Wanta was arrested instead. Remember, all during this time, the criminal cabal had been trying to get their blood-soaked hands on that “Global Security Fund”, but were so-far unsuccessful. Many in the know stated that Reagan refused to divulge where it was to anyone in his cabinet - even to his then vice-president (none other than) George H.W. Bush - who attempted to kill Reagan (like he killed Kennedy who was about to tell us about it), in order to snatch the Oval office and use his presidential powers to access it.
All 3 of these men (Foster, Woodruff, and Wanta) were intimately connected to the GSF, and coincidently, all 3 met with suspicious ends; viz; (1) July 20, 1993 - Vince Foster found shot to death with 2 bullets IN THE BACK OF HIS HEAD in Fort Marcy Park outside Washington, D.C. - ruled a “suicide” (2) On that SAME DAY (July 20, 1993), Freddie Woodruff is found in his car - a bullet hole in his head, and (3) Wanta (the key man with knowledge of the account) arrested on bogus “tax-evasion” charges. These men, apart from being connected to the GSF, were also connected to William and Hillary Clinton. Is it just a co-incidence that President Clinton “pardoned” Mark Rich right before leaving office, causing a shit-storm in Washington? The very man Wanta, Woodruff and Foster were sent to arrest?
It gets better ya’ll...
Hillary used the same Executive order that Reagan created for Wanta to accumulate assets for “the Fund” to demand $250 million for something called “The Children’s Defense Fund”, which ain’t had a damn thing to do with “Children” OR “Defense”, but was set up as a CIA slush fund for covert operations overseas. This is how she “endeared” herself to that agency (and the FBI), and how she used its resources to bug Trump’s campaign, and blame her covert uranium deals with Russia on Trump during her recent run for the Oval office. It was Vince Foster that got that money for her.
When George senior became president, he then assumed responsibility for growing and managing the funds, but by that time, factions within the military and the government (called the “White Knights) were secretly building on their power to counter the moves of the NWO. However, Bush was confident that he would get his hands on ALL the funds during his presidency, going so far as to announce the first of his many “New World Order” speeches September 11, 1990, titled "Towards a New World Order". But forces against him inside and outside his administration prevented that from happening. The so-called “White Knights” somehow got control of these accounts, and were about to put them back under the control of a “Constitutional Republic”.
But as “luck” would have it, George junior followed on the heels of his father after their cohort Clinton, and the criminal Cabal had their political trifecta going strong (Bush H-40, Clinton-41, Bush W-42), with Dubya’s “Hanging Chad see-lection” in Florida in 2000 - which stole the presidency for him. Once they jacked the Oval office, the “White Knights” saw that they needed to fast-track their plans for the Global Currency Reset (GCR), and decided to “step out of the shadows” to announce it, which brings us back to the ATTEMPTED public media announcement of “N.E.S.A.R.A.”, scheduled for 9am EST, September 11th, 2001 in front of the World Trade Center.
Remember the “financial crisis” that took place in 2008, coincidently, the very same year Barack Obama took office for the first time?? I’m sure “us folk” remember that ALL-TOO well. He was to be “the new hope” for the world ... and for all of “us”. Well, not weeks after promising “us” that he would “fight the fat-cats of Wall street”, that negro bailed out domestic AND foreign banks owned by the Cabal. $16 trillion of our money was allocated to corporations and banks internationally, purportedly for “financial assistance” during and after the 2008 fiscal crisis.
Wanna guess WHERE that 16T came from? Yep! You guessed it ... OUR “Global Security Fund”. And I believe he did so through the dummy corporation he created - through his “Global Security Contingency Fund”. From this “fund”, he also allocated over 140 Billion to secure other Cabal “interests”..; like, “CIA security” against rebellions by the people of countries they were ripping off for their resources, and to pay off the dictators who pimped their own people.
Hanson corroborates all the above in his blog-talk show, mentioning what those who were there from the beginning already knew full well (yours truly included),,,; that the covert war between Illuminati factions is now at ‘DEF-CON 1”, and that the body-bags began piling higher (from the Clinton numbers) during Obama’s administration between 2014 and 2015, when high level ‘banksters’ and scientists began collectively “suiciding” themselves wholesale - to the tune of 75 Banksters and 125 scientists (including astronomers and astro-physicists)...!!
In the meantime, according to Hanson, the GSF had grown from 30 trillion to a whopping 68 TRILLION - with 16 of it going “south” - monies that belonged to the peoples of America.
Now. Although I have left out an ENORMOUS amount of significant data because of time and space, here’s where I’ll begin to catch you up to the present time.
Have you noticed all the media attention to pedophilia, human slavery (and sex slavery), child pornography and child sacrifices, etc, etc.? Well, this is part of the strategy to expose and weed out those in the global Cabal who have been behind the NWO for the last 100 years, exposing their most secretive, heinous acts ... things they’ve been doing for so long that they’d begun doing it out in the open, and took for granted they would never be held accountable for. These are the maggot-infested scum that have lived off our stolen monies and the blood of innocents up to this point. They had to be exposed for the filth they are so their hidden assets and resources (bought with the stolen dividends of the Global Security Fund), could be legally and lawfully frozen and returned to the public coffers of people of de jure united states of America.
Thus, enter the following....:
************************ END PART TWO *************************
Love and Light,
Dr. Valentine 

********************** UPDATE PART THREE ********************
“...By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat...”
The above is the abbreviated version of the Executive Order, but contains enough pertinent information in its introduction to support the time-line of my previous commentaries.
Now; before I continue, I know what you’re thinking. “You a covert Trump supporter”! LOL!!! HELL No! For those of you who think so, if you’d been paying attention from the beginning - to my previous posts - you’d know that I told the Family repeatedly that this is a war between Global elitist FACTIONS (the Corporate Zionist Cabal/Jesuit Club of Rome/P-2 Masonic Lodge VS. The Ancient King Solomon’s Masonic Lodge (Trump is a member); Original Knights Templars, the Oculists) ...; that “we”/”us folk” don’t have a dog in THIS fight, but we do have the opportunity to “bet” on the fight to our financial advantage and benefit, cause this is a fight to control THE NEW GLOBAL FINANCIAL (MONEY) SYSTEM that is set to be put in place between now and 2020-25...!!! In other words, if “we”/”us folk” take sides, we align ourselves with those who are currently being “taken down” for crimes against humanity!
But ain’t they ALL (both sides) guilty of that shit anyway?? Yes ...!! My point exactly...!
To continue;
With the issuance of this Executive Order, the dirt and grime of the upper echelon of American society (and around the world) are “quietly” being taken down more methodically because of it. Case in point.
(1) Your girl Hillary is under “conditional” House Arrest. She’s been fitted with an ankle tracker, which she hides with a leg brace. She claims to have “broken her toe falling down a flight of stairs ... BACKWARDS...!! (Yeah, “Right”!) John McCain is also wearing one, although they switched legs on his...
(2) Her hubby “Bill-ary”, hoping for a plea-bargain, is said to be singin’ like Luther Vandross, ratting out such vermin as the current Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel - who is also the current head of the “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (“I.S.I.S” - Mossad) in the west; former Vice President Dick Cheney; former CIA head John Brennan; and a slew of others...
(3) Between 30 and 50 Congressmen will not run for office in the next election cycles. In fact, many might be retiring even before their terms are up...
(4) The Department of Defense just upgraded Guantanamo Prison (“Gitmo”) to the tune of $500M, and guess who their next house guests are? Believe it or not, a sordid bunch of Rothschild puppets, including Soros, Daddy Bush and his son ‘Dubya’, John and Anthony Podesta, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, and a bunch of other human slugs named in some of the over 10,000 sealed indictments. They were air-lifted to Gitmo to stand trial before military tribunals, the proceedings to be watched over by Military Police and the Marines.
(5) On December 27th, 2017 - If you were in Florida at Disneyland, you may have been first-hand witnesses to a “power outage” there. Well, that “outage” was a cover for the covert raid that Special Forces conducted there, because Disney is known by the elite to be “Pedo-Heaven” ... a major hub for human slavers and the trafficking of kidnapped orphans and other children. This Disney take-down by Special Forces was coordinated with the takedown of other sites around the world; ie; In Saudi Arabia, over 3000 child sex slaves were found and released, which also coincided with the “sudden deaths” of Washington Post heir Bill Graham, along with Jordan Feldstein...
(6) On December 25th, 3:00am local time on Christmas day, Delta Force hit a secret hide-away/stronghold in Thailand said to belong to Barak Obama (by proxy), after a series of telephone calls between US military commanders and Thailand’s Prime Minister, Nik Bukharin. “Delta Unit 1-SFOD” flew from Okinawa and bivouacked at the US embassy in Bangkok, while Trump set up the logistics of the raid with Thai police and their military. Word is Obama owned this mansion that sat on a 400-acre estate not far from the city of ‘Si Sa Ket’, some 500 miles from Bangkok. However, the land is owned (on paper) by a supposedly defunct corporation called “Solyndra”, to whom Obama dished out 2.2 BILLION dollars of our tax money. Almost immediately after receiving that money, Solyndra declared bankruptcy and the money vanished. Despite crying broke, Solyndra maintained real estate holdings valued at over 800 million dollars in a half-dozen Southeast Asian countries. Investigators put 2 and 2 together, and ultimately linked Obama to the Thai property, They also knew that Obama was the true “owner” after Trump’s attorneys subpoenaed Obama’s flight records, proving he travelled to Si Sa Ket more than 6 times during his presidency, and an additional 4 times during 2017.
(7) Two Troop-carrier Helios were used to airlift Delta Force, including a decoy, but when they got there, the mansion was deserted. However, the coffee was still warm and freshly chopped vegetables were found on the kitchen counter and scattered about the floor. It was obvious someone tipped off whoever was there. But the Force didn’t exactly come away empty handed. They seized 200 million dollars in gold bullion, crates of Chinese-made weapons and explosives and several encrypted laptops, some of which were still on. Once the evidence was gathered, Delta requested “exfiltration”, and passed control of the scene to Thai law enforcement. Through the power granted by the ASEAN “Declaration to Joint Action on Counter Terrorism”, the Thai police and military confiscated the estate itself, and all remaining possessions contained therein.
(8) But the BIG (but creepy) “finds” that rounded out the mission were the maze of underground tunnels that ran beneath the mansion for miles in many directions - obviously used for human trafficking. Obama owns vast amounts of real estate, huge sums of money and shadow companies around the world under many aliases. Of course, as any good businessman knows, you don’t keep such assets in your own name, and he didn’t. The White Knights knew of them, and through Trump administration, have been working with foreign governments to seize the assets of those who gained from pilfering the Global Security Fund. What Trump has offering to the governments of those countries where the pilfered booty is located, no one outside his cabinet knows.
Well, that’s pretty much an up-to-date encapsulation of events as this old head remembers them. Is all the above true? Well, so far, most of what we were told back in the late 1980s thru the early 1990s have come true. The “delays” in the manifestation and activation of all that was predicted back then were due to the ebb and flow of the covert battles in the war being waged beyond society’s perceivable consciousness-grid. Blame that on the fact that the maggots owned the airways as well.
Which is why I say to the family ... ALWAYS do your own due-diligence. Don’t just take my word for it. Add or subtract what you have vetted on your own and found to be either true or false to my narrative...especially when I break the news about “the visitors” from beyond our “Dome”. I’m just offering what I have found - a narrative not common to the daily bullshit being spewed from the opposite end of some CNN reporter’s asshole.
************************** END UPDATE *************************
Love, Light, and Transcendence Beloved Family,
Dr. Valentine"

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Diatomaetous Earth

 For years I kept hearing about Diatomaceous Earth, and how well it worked on cleaning out the body.  So, I found on a social media page a list of things that Diatomaceous Earth is good for.  The benefits that it has, so I have a copy of it and placed it below. This is a substance that should not be breathed in because it is such a powdery texture.  If this does not sit well with you leave it alone.  When taking this you should drink plenty of water. Like taking psyllium husk(i.e. fiber) you need plenty of water for this to digest.
What is Diatomaceous Earth?
Diatomaceous Earth is a soft naturally occurring siliceous sedimentary rock. This is found in freshwater salt beds. The mineral silica is what is being absorped into the bloodstream when consuming Diatomaceous Earth. 
Silica is one of the minerals that helps the hair, nails grow. Kills parasites that may be the body and removes heavy metals from the body. When purchasing this product you want Food Grade.  I have decided to try this, and see how well it works. If you are a big meat eater then you are going to need something more than a colon cleaners to help clean you out.  The taste is not bad, but being that I just started I only use a teaspoon. 

 Below is a list of other things that Diatomaceous Earth does for the body.
When Diatomaceous Earth is taken into the body it starts working in 3 different ways:
As it moves through the stomach and digestive tract, it attracts and absorbs bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, E-Coli, and heavy metals. These toxins are trapped and passed out of the body. In addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or digestive tract are killed by the D.E. All of these activities result in a much healthier body with less sickness. We often hear the phrase “I just feel better” with our DE users. This better feeling comes from all the “junk” being removed from the body and by giving our immune system the “jump start” it needs.
Diatomaceous Earth is very hard. On the hardness scale where diamonds are a 9, DE is a 7. This is very important, because as those millions of tiny hard and sharp DE cylinders pass through the small and large intestines, they “scrub” the walls. After only a few months of taking DE, the intestine wall is no longer coated with mucus and molds but CLEAN!! The advantages of this are:
1. Regular bowel movements (This is the #1 comment everyone makes about DE)
2. Healthier Colon. This is especially important as we get older. A clean healthy colon keeps away polyps, cancers, and ulcers. Today, many are spending thousands of dollars to get colonics to do the same thing as DE does. Many users report increased energy and needing less sleep. This is a result of all the food and nutrients that are taken in being better absorbed into the blood stream. With a coated colon–many nutrients never get absorbed.
A small amount of Diatomaceous Earth gets absorbed into the blood stream as silica. One of the benefits of Silica is that it helps to destroy bad fats. Everyone that we know that is taking DE has lowered their cholesterol by 40-50 points. Everyone is also amazed at how their high blood pressure goes down.
The benefits of silica are many. In today’s grains, there is actually a shortage of silica. Years ago, the silica found in our foodstuffs was adequate, but with today’s hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the silica needed is supplied in our food. DE is a simple and inexpensive way to get the silica your body needs.
The intake of silica through DE can help you in many ways:
1. Lower High Blood Pressure!
2. Lower High Cholesterol! –
Most are reporting 40-60 points lower after only 2 weeks on DE.
3. Sore joints feeling better –
Osteoporosis is a symptom of the aging process. As calcium in our body system depletes, our bones become brittle and weak. Taking only a calcium supplement can not correct or stop this threatening and crippling disease because the body cannot assimilate and make use of the calcium without the presence of silica. Evidence suggests that, instead of affecting healing, supplemental mineral calcium, on the contrary, accelerates the leaching away of bone calcium and thus hastens the degenerative process of osteoporosis and similar diseases that affect the supportive and connective tissues in the human body. For osteoporosis, silica can stop the pain and even restore the bodies’ self repair process. Silica is responsible for the depositing of minerals into the bones, especially calcium. It speeds up the healing of fractures and also reduces scarring at the site of a fracture. Even when calcium is insufficient, the body can turn silica into calcium that the bones need.
4. Healthier skin –
Overseas, DE is used extensively as a health and beauty product for hair, skin, nails, bones, and joints. Tissue degeneration accelerates due to aging when connective tissue develops an increasing inability to retain moisture when left unassisted. Silica can help slow the degenerative process of connective tissue. With silica, vitality and life, which are often lost as the years accumulate, can be naturally maintained or even restored to your skin. Collagen, largely made up of silica, is the glue that holds us together. If our body has enough silica, the collagen will make us look younger. Silica helps with skin problems and injuries including itching, rashes, abscesses, boils, acne, calluses, warts, eczemas, burns, frostbite, benign skin sores, insect bites and bed sores. If you regularly follow a silica regimen, your skin will keep its young look.
5. Hair That Grows! –
Hair is nature’s greatest beauty enhancer. Hair deserves to be pampered. Hair at 90 micrograms per gram is almost as rich in silica as are healthy bones, which contain 100 micrograms per gram. Silica is a major component of hair. Using a good silica supplement (such as DE) should be part of your ongoing hair care program for revitalizing hair. Silica helps to prevent baldness, stimulates healthier hair growth and assures beautiful shine, luster and strength.
6. Teeth and Gums!
– Hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. Silica also prevents bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession that causes the loosening of teeth, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss. Silica effectively fights ulceration and the decay of bones and teeth and also lessens inflammation.
7. Toughens nails –
Your nail plates are complex protein structures that grow four to five millimeters per month on average. With silica supplementation, fragile nails become normal within a short period of time. Silica will beautify the appearance of your nails and improve their hardness, making them shinier and less prone to breaking.
More Benefits!
Silica lowers bad cholesterol and raises good. Silica fades age spots. Silica stimulates metabolism for higher energy levels. DE has a negative charge and bacteria have a positive charge. It is believed that it sweeps bacteria out of the body by trapping it in its honeycomb shaped skeletal form. Silica supplementation helps repair and maintain vital lung tissues and protects them from pollution. By maintaining or restoring the elasticity of lung tissues, silica reduces inflammation in bronchitis. It acts as a cough decreasing agent. Silica tones the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx) and reduces swelling because of its positive action on the lymphatic system.
Silica supplementation keeps menopause free of stress and helps to prevent many unwanted side-effects.
Cancer can not survive in cells that have the correct levels of Silica.
Silica works with other antioxidants to prevent premature aging and to preserve youthfulness.
Silica can help prevent kidney stones and heal infections of the urinary tract. It is a natural diuretic which can increase excretion of urine by 30 percent, thus flushing the water-excreting system and restoring normal function to these vital organs.
The presence of sufficient silica in the intestines will reduce inflammation of the intestinal tract. It can cause disinfection in the case of stomach and intestinal mucus and ulcers. Silica can prevent or clear up diarrhea and its opposite, constipation.
Silica will help normalize hemorrhoidal tissues. In regulating and normalizing the bowels, silica has a pleasant side effect; it can alleviate lower back pain, which often troubles the elderly.
Silica proves effective with female discharge, abscesses and ulcers in the genital area and cervix, as well as mastitis (especially for breast feeding mothers).
The intake of silica acts as a supportive treatment for inflammation of the middle ear. Because of the beneficial effectiveness on the lymphatic system, silica can be used for swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat.
Has anti-inflammatory disinfecting, absorbing and odor binding effects.
Silica can normalize circulation and regulate high blood pressure (hypertension).
Silica can decrease vertigo, headache, tinnitus (buzzing of the ears) and insomnia.
Silica can help diabetes by promoting synthesis of elastase inhibitor by the pancreas.
Silica can help arterial disease by strengthening the blood vessels. Studies confirm that with age, silica disappears from the aorta, the heart’s key blood vessel thus weakening its critical connective tissue and resulting in a greater cardiac risk.
Silica can help prevent Tuberculosis.
By improving the elasticity of the joints, silica helps rheumatism.
Silica has inhibitory effects on coronary diseases.
Silica can help avoiding or alleviating Alzheimers disease by preventing the body from absorbing aluminum and may flush out aluminum from the tissues. Silica can stimulate the immune system. Dosage: Take 1-2 tablespoons per day mixed in some kind of liquid or food. There is no unpleasant taste. Since it will not dissolve, stirring several times while drinking will prevent settling. Some have experienced higher energy levels, so it is probably better not to take it right before sleeping. No worry about getting too much–any excess silica not needed by the body is automatically eliminated through the blood stream, kidneys and intestines.