
Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Dream Deferred

      How many of us as adults  can say that we are doing the work we wanted to do when we were teens? How many of us were criticised that we wouldn't be able to do such work? This is why I like the X-Factor, So You Think You Can Dance, American Idol because even though most of the people who go on that show really don't have the talent, they weren't afraid to go out on the limb and try. To live out the dream. At least they can look back and say they tried. They put forth the effort.

     Some of us who had our dreams crushed at an early age don't venture to try again until we become older, and realize how much our current job really sucks, and that we should actually be doing something that makes us happy. Work should not  feel like working right? That's why for some of us are spirits are fighting against what we are currently doing. This is where I am right now, trying to make sense out of it all. I love what I do, working with children. I'm just exhausted, and need to do something else that will get me excited. I just know at this juncture I do not want to work for anybody else. I want to homeschooling my child and travel.

     We as adults who have children, nurture your child(ren)s abilities. Do not crush them and please do not allow anyone else to crush your child(ren)s spirit. If they want to be a chef nurture that and have them cook with you in the kitchen, and if you don't cook a family member who does. Let them watch cooking shows. A future scientist? Buy them a microscope and practice lab set from the children's toy section. They like watching the heavens? Get them a telescope. Introduce them to the world of astronomy with books about the universe. Where ever you see that positive interest support it. I don't care if they want to be a Ninja Turtle. They will grow out of that phase. Its about your support. You are your child's first fan or you can be your child's first hater. Which one will you be?

     What is your dream deferred? What do you really want to do that you never got to do? Its never to late to go after it. There are 80 year old people who still live as if they are in there 30's. You don't have to leap in head first. Just take small steps and move toward your dream. Those who are around you now you are not supportive in your dream are the nay-sayers who need to be removed from your circle. These are the ones who unsupportive in your pathway toward your dream,but once you make it to your dream these are the ones who want what you have. Just let them go now. Once you start you will slowly begin to meet people who are to help you along your journey. It will be scary, but its a lovely journey.

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