
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Stop having Children You Don't Really Want

I was once with the theory that it takes a village to raise a child, I must admit  I enjoy being around children, there have been women I have encountered who have helped me to throw this idea out the window.  I have met women who have decided to have a large family and they do very well in taking care of their children.  This blog is not for you. This blog is for those women who decide to have a large family and then don't keep the children up.  They looking all types of ways and when you see mama here she is with her expensive outfit on, hair and nails done but these babies looking any type of way. Not cool.  Or she puts her child in daycare telling the center  the child is potty trained and all evidence points to she lied. She just wanted somebody else to potty train her child.   Children I have met with mothers like this are the most beautiful  children you would every want to encounter, but if mama knew she wouldn't be able to do it then at some point she should have taken measures and stopped at some point.

Women think that birth control is the only way to prevent pregnancy, but there's this thing called " Mind over Matter". You can tell yourself you will not get pregnant and it does work. You can be selective about who you chose to lay with as well.  Better yet make him wear the condom. For women who get pregnant in order to "keep" a man from leaving you. STOP IT!  He don't want you then let him push on. Stop bringing these babies in the world to hold over these guys heads who don't want nothing from you but the coochie he running after in the first place.  Babies that you really don't want either.  You really don't understand what you are doing to these children emotionally.  They did not ask to come here that was your call to bring them into the world, so its your responsibility to take care of them.  No one owes you anything for your choose.

Alternatives to the Pill

Natural Alternatives to the pill

Natural birth control using herbs

Natural Contraception Neem Oil

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