
Saturday, May 25, 2024

Naturally Healing The Body


The human body is a natural healing machine when you assist it in its function to heal. The Most High didn't create this planet without leaving behind foods and herbs that have the ability to clean out and restore the body.  

There are many naturopathic healers who have told us about ways to heal ourselves, such as Dr. Laila Africa, Dr. Sebi, Dr. Phil Valentine and now our modern naturopathic healers such as Yakhi Awakened. 

Diseases are caused by mucus that has built up in the body or by parasites.  I recently found out that when a person goes in for chemo therapy that they are getting small doses of mustard gas. If I need to say allegedly, then allegedly.  Food is your medicine.  When it comes to food here in  the states one needs to start reading labels. Food companies are now obligated to tell the public if their food has a genetically modified organism *gmo*.  The gmo is now labeled as a bioengineered food which is in tiny print under the ingredients or the company name.

It means they spliced the gene of one of food items to change its structure that, as a biological human, is not meant for you.  If in the ingredients it reads a food is modified that to is another term for gmo. 

This is a whole other topic. I thought it needed to be brought to your attention.   There are foods that don't have the bioengeered ingredients but you just have to look and you may end up not eating things you once enjoyed. That's the part that sucks.  This is not to induce fear, but to give information so you are better prepared and have an understanding.  

Some of these videos are long, but they are very informative. Take what resonates with you. What doesn't resonate leave behind.

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