
Monday, June 20, 2016

Wanting Extraterrestrial Disclosure

There are people who are looking for a disclosure from the government on whether or not Aliens exist and live among us. There is this petition I've seen floating around the internet to, "Support full extraterrestrial disclosure". Well I say that people don't necessarily have to wait for it to be told to them that we live among other beings. I understand that its just the fact that the American people want for the first time for this government to be honest for once.  Disclosure is slowly being leaked out to the public if they would only pay attention to the clues that are given to them.  Its in the movies (Action, Sci fi, Children's cartoons) that you watch.  In very subtle details its there. 

Take for example the TV Show "V".   V was a show that was deep, and it started to get deeper, or would have if it wasn't taken off the air.  The mass ships were going to start to come in.  Also in this show they revealed that they were always living among us. Blending in with us. Having relationships with us. Friends with us.  Morris Chestnut, forget the name of the character he was playing, in one of the episodes revealed to one of his friends by peeling the skin off his arm that he was in fact a reptilian. He had not told his wife who was pregnant.  A reptilian being in the movie, Jupiter Ascending, was represented in that movie.  The tall dinosaur aka alpha dracionian.  You also have Aliens, MIB, Independence Day, The Island ( was more about cloning), Promethus, They Live and there are more.

I know you may think that I'm being a little loopy here, but people want and are looking for full disclosure, and want to stop making out that they have not had contact with other beings when in reality they have.  The little that is leaked out to the public is apart of the disclosure. Those who are awake see it, and those who aren't still view it as entertainment. If you are one of the ones looking for full disclosure it shouldn't just be on Aliens, but also on clones, synthethics, AI's because they are all among you.  If you did find out about the full disclosure would you really be ready to handle the news?  Remember its not about fear. Its about what you do with the information and how it helps to transform your consciousness to help you spiritually grow.

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